- The close method of OutputStream does nothing. OutputStream的close方法不做任何事。
- It is easier to enter retroperitoneum by the straight and closing method. 采用直接闭合式方法进入后腹腔,操作更简便。
- The Closing is a temporary state that the object enters when the Close method is invoked for a graceful shutdown or the object is aborted. Closing是一种暂时状态,当调用Close方法以正常关闭或中止对象时,对象会进入该状态。
- This can occur because the Open method has not been called or the Close method has been called. 这可能会因为尚未调用Open方法或已调用了Close方法而发生。
- The finally block adds a check to make sure that the FileStream object is not null before you call the Close method. finally块添加了一项检查,以确保在调用Close方法前,FileStream对象不为nullNothingnullptr空引用(在Visual Basic中为Nothing)。
- After calling Shutdown, call the Close method to release all resources associated with the Socket. 在调用Shutdown之后,可调用Close方法来释放与Socket关联的所有资源。
- You may call the Close method to put the XmlWriter in the Closed state. 可以调用Close方法将XmlWriter置于Closed状态。
- With the aid of the completeness of symplectic eigensolutions, a close method was presented. 利用辛本征解空间的完备性,建立一套封闭的求解问题方法。
- It is not necessary to call the Close method on both the response stream and the WebResponse, but doing so is not harmful. 不必在响应流和WebResponse上都调用Close方法,但这样做并没有什么害处。
- If this process owns the handle, a call to the Close method will also close the handle and the file's handle count is decremented. 如果此进程拥有句柄,对Close方法的调用也会关闭该句柄,而且文件的句柄计数减少。
- Objective: To compare percutaneous absorption of soman vs ethyl soman with an open or close method of skin contamination. 目的:比较密闭和开放不同条件下梭曼和乙基梭曼透皮吸收的特点。
- If a call to the Close method reduces the reference count of applications using the application manager to 0, the Close method calls the ShutdownAll method. 如果调用Close方法会将使用应用程序管理器的应用程序的引用计数减为0,则Close方法会调用ShutdownAll方法。
- For example, the following Close method of the DoCmd object closes the Add Products form. 例如,以下DoCmd对象的Close方法将关闭“Add Products”窗体。
- The FormClosed event occurs after the form has been closed by the user or by the Close method or the Exit method of the Application class. 在用户或Application类的Close方法或Exit方法关闭窗体后,会发生FormClosed事件。
- The closed method, on the other hand, may lead to retraction pocket formation because of resorption of the cartilage after several years. 封闭式可能于术后的数年因软骨的吸收、不稳固而造成凹陷袋再形成。
- Methods: Retroperitoneoscopic was applied in 14 cases, 11 of which adopted straight and closing method of entering retroperitoneum.Open surgery was applied in 21 cases. 方法:14例单纯性肾囊肿行后腹腔镜手术,其中11例采用直接闭合式方法进入后腹腔,21例行开放性手术。
- Results The numerical example shows that fuzzy relative entropy method and maximum-minimum closeness method have the same results for fuzzy pattern recognition. 结果数值例子说明模糊相对熵方法和最大最小贴近度方法得出了一致的模糊识别的结果。
- The days are closing in now that autumn is here. 秋天来到了,白天渐渐短了。
- The store is closing out a large stock of toys. 该店正减价出售大批玩具存货。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。