- Outworkers in the clothing industry are usually badly paid. 服装业中的外包工通常工酬菲薄。
- The clothing industry here is flourishing. 这里的服装业非常兴盛。
- The clothing industry is one of the largest in the world. 服装业是这世界上最大的行业。
- This group gets five "Bests" in Chinese clothing industry. 这个群体在跨越两个世纪中,创立了中国服装业的“五个第一”。
- The sheep were kept to supply the wool for the clothing industry. 饲养绵羊,以便为服装工业提供羊毛。
- Huangshi textile clothing industry has some foundation. 黄石市纺织服装业有一定的基础条件。
- We cloth-sellers shall set up a cloth industry office. 我们这些卖布的组建一个布业公所吧。
- Our traditionally important textile and clothing industry is still at the heart of this sector. 一向贡献良多的纺织及制衣业,今天仍然是一个主要的生产行业。
- The clothing industry was the largest export-earner in the manufacturing sector, followed by the electronics industry. 制衣业是制造业中出口收益最多的行业,其次是电子业。
- The clothing industry was the largest export-earner in the manufacturing sector,followed by the electronics industry. 制衣业是制造业中出口收益最多的行业,其次是电子业。
- This kind of plastic is of no value in clothing industry because of its colorfulness. 因为色彩繁多,这种塑料制品在服装行业中毫无价值。
- In the same way in the ready-to-wear clothing industry, mass production came first in the economy or cheap lines. 成衣业方面也一样,首先大规模生产的是经济或价廉的产品。
- In the clothing industry, companies like Nike and Gap came under attack for use of child labor. 在服装行业,像耐克和盖浦这样的公司因为使用童工而遭受供给。
- Yet, among all the tones present in the clothing industry, some of them or ephemeral while others are perennial. 但在服装业的所有色调中,一些短暂,一些长久。
- Taiwanese Clothing Industry (TCI) was going through several structural changes in the decade of the eighties. 摘要台湾成衣业于八零年代开始经历一连串的结构性变化。
- The study on Hong Kong's plastics industry and that on the textiles and clothing industry commenced in September and November respectively. 有关本港塑胶业和纺织及制衣业的技术经济及市场调查研究,分别于九月及十一月展开。
- Despite declining employment,the clothing industry remained the largest manufacturing industry,employing 58 400 persons in September. 制衣业的就业人数虽然持续下降,但仍然是本港最大的制造业,一九九九年九月时有雇员58400名。
- The Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) runs two training centres for the clothing and footwear industries. 制衣业训练局辖下设有两所训练中心,专门为制衣业和鞋履业培训人才。
- The clothes industry has come out with some very interesting styles lately. 服装工业最近供应了一些很有趣的款式。
- Despite declining employment, the clothing industry remained the largest manufacturing industry, employing 58 400 persons in September. 制衣业的就业人数虽然持续下降,但仍然是本港最大的制造业,一九九九年九月时有雇员58400名。