- clothing specialized course 服装专业课
- A special course has been set up to train young hopefuls. 为了培训那些年轻的有望获得成功的人,特意设置了一门特殊的课程。
- What specialized courses did you take? 你学过什么专业课程?
- Catherine: What specialized courses did you take? 凯瑟琳:你学过哪些专业课程呢?
- Wishes your shopping to be happy, very much patronizes “the golden light closet” to have free time has a look at on the new clothing specialized design first-class quality! 祝你购物愉快,多多光顾"金熹衣柜"有空看看新上服装专业的设计一流的品质!
- Q3: What is your message to your juniors or students who are interested in this specialized course? 问题3:对即将加入这个课程,或者对这个课程感兴趣的学生,你有什么建议,或者想告诉他们的话吗?
- The reconstruction of specialized course system is the key of innovation in university training project. 专业课程体系的重新建立是高校培养方案改革的关键之一。
- Before eating, want to use offerred soup water gargle to shame to you just can take this special course? 一道中国菜。吃之前要用提供的汤水漱口诟才能吃这道特别的菜?
- In the advanced level, all prosecutors have the option of attending a special course on malfeasance and corruption, which the Academy organises every two or three years. 所有参与高级培训课程的检察官均可选修训练学院每隔两、三年举办一次的,有关渎职及贪污行为的特别课程。
- The wood that is used at making a kitchen allegedly is the dry treatment processing with special course, paint covering layer of the surface can be ligneous Maecenas. 据说用于打造厨房的木材都是经过非凡的干燥加工处理,表面的油漆保护层会是木质的保护者。
- Basic English is one of the main courses in English specialized courses. 基础英语是英语专业的主干课程。
- The restructure is a special course in which man seek for a balanceable spot of"fitting"where"is"(of scientific practice) and"must"(of medical purpose) are both available. 医学目的重构的过程也就是主体回复理性努力在医学科学实践之"实然"与医学目的之"该然"之间寻求一个"适然"的平衡点的过程。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。
- The writer attempts to design the teaching process through the section of principle of floatation separation and discusses the feasibility of inquiring-discussing in specialized course teaching. 本文通过对这一节课的教学过程的设计;讲述了“探究-研讨”教学法及其在专业课教学中应用的可行性;对学生产生的感知性的效果明显。
- The cloth flower snaps on with a special binder. 这布花是用一种特殊的粘合剂固定住的。
- It is sure to take body-building in the speciality course of aerobics from the beginning to the end. 将形体训练惯穿于健美操专选课的始终,才能取得良好的教学效果。
- Silk is indeed the best bet in summer clothing. 夏令服装的确以丝绸织品为最理想。
- It is a major part for the economic subject in the curriculum to set a specialized course in bilingualism.It is also a complex systematic project how to design it reasonable scientificly. 用双语开设的专业课是经济学科专业课程体系的重要组成部分,如何把它设计的科学合理,是一项复杂的系统工程。
- Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. 简存了几段布留做棉被用。