- On August 1 surrenders to the state the export recovery rate, has not brought the true favorable turn for the textile clothing profession's export. 8月1日上调出口退税率,并没有给纺织品服装行业的出口带来真正的转机。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也许每个行业都有害群之马。
- Silk is indeed the best bet in summer clothing. 夏令服装的确以丝绸织品为最理想。
- He laddered to the top of his profession. 他跃上他的行业的最高峰。
- Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. 简存了几段布留做棉被用。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- He is a leading member of the medical profession. 他是医疗业中首屈一指的医生。
- Please give the table a good rub with this cloth. 请用这块布好好擦擦桌子。
- She intends to make teaching her profession. 她想以教书为职业。
- He is an electrical technician by profession. 他的职业是电工技师。
- The woollen cloth prickles (my skin). 穿毛料衣服(使我的皮肤)有被扎的感觉。
- Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession. 护理工作既是职业又是救死扶伤的责任。
- He flicked away the dust with a cloth. 他用一块布拂去灰尘。
- The act, practice, or profession of instructing. 授课讲授的行为,实践或职业
- The holes in the cloth were made by moths. 布上的洞是虫子蛀的。
- He discarded his winter clothing. 他把冬天穿的衣服都丢弃了。