- When Tom called Dick a bad name,Dick flew at his throat. 汤姆开口骂狄克,狄克就扑向汤姆去打他。
- Before he had time to come to himself, Dick bounded at his throat. 他还没有拿定主意,狄克已经跳到他的咽喉跟前。
- When Tom called Dick a bad name, Dick flew at his throat. 汤姆开口骂狄克,狄克就扑向汤姆去打他。
- Lucius pulls him close, nipping at his throat, tasting of sunlight and colour. Lucius把他拉近,咬着他的喉咙,品尝着那阳光和色彩。
- Lron had lowered his heavy goggles, leaving them to hang loosely at his throat. 勒荣摘掉了他的厚护目镜,随意地将它挂在了脖子上。
- The child clutched at his mother in fear. 那孩子惊恐地抓住他母亲。
- clutch at his throat 扼住他的咽喉
- Linda clutched at his wrist, trying to make a sound. 琳达抓住了他的手腕, 想说些什么。
- He died. " And then he stopped, so that the boy cleared his throat and wiped at his face again before stuffing the handkerchief almost impatiently into his pocket. 他停顿了一下,男孩清了清嗓子,有些着急地用手帕擦了一下脸,然后塞进了口袋。
- We must clutch at the throat of fate! 我要扼住命运的咽喉!
- As they passed behind a last year's stack, Amedee clutched at his right side and sank down for a moment on the straw. 当他们走到去年的麦垛后面时,阿米迪突然用手按住肚子的右侧,一屁股跌坐在干草上。
- Mr Fico insists that he likes financial groups as “a goat likes a knife”.But a former finance minister, Ivan Miklos, notes that “their knife is at his throat”. 菲佐先生强调他对金融财团的喜爱就像“山羊喜爱刀子一般”,不过前任财长伊万.;米克洛斯,对此批道“那是因为他们的刀架在他喉咙上。”
- Prince Andrey, scowling and clutching at his head, went out of the room and sat down on the sofa in the adjoining one. 安德烈公爵蹙起额角,双手抱着头,走出房门,在隔壁房里的沙发上坐下来。
- Not so tall as Lews Therin, he was clothed all in black, save for the snow-white lace at his throat and the silverwork on the turned-down tops of his thigh-high boots. 他的个子比卢斯"塞林矮,全身裹着黑袍,除了衣领上的雪白的蕾丝和长靴顶部外翻的银饰。
- With one hand he was clutching at his left side, the other was clenched on the lower pistol. 他用一只手按着左边的肋部,用另一只手紧紧地握着垂下的手枪。
- They clutched at his arms;but he was so strong that he shoved every one far away who came near him. 有人抓住他的手,可是他很有力气,把靠近他的人推到很远去了。
- He sang with a frog in his throat. 他用略带沙哑的嗓音唱歌。
- He was lying in his throat when he told you that. 他对你说的话实在是个天大的谎言。
- Wu Sun-fu's face darkened at these ominous words, and an overpowering sense of foreboding clutched at his heart like a steel claw. 吴荪甫的脸色全变了。 恶兆化成了犀利的钢爪,在他心上直抓。
- A fish-bone stuck in his throat. 他喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。