- cnidii rhizoma 日本芎草穷
- cnidii rhizoma pulveratum 日本芎草穷末
- Dear, Tambun Rhizoma treasure now well-being dull. 亲爱的,请好好珍惜莪扪现在平淡的幸福。
- To optimize the best extraction process of Rhizoma Coptis. 目的:优选黄连最佳提取工艺。
- Objective: To assess the efficacy of compound fructus cnidii lotions on eczema. 目的:观察复方蛇床子洗液治疗湿疹的临床疗效。
- Four steroids (1, 2, 3, 4) were found in the extracts of Rhizoma Phragmitis. 芦根提取物中含有4种甾体化合物。
- Aim To study the stability of compound Rhizoma coptidis capsule(CRCC). 目的考察复方黄连胶囊的稳定性。
- Rhizoma Paridis, Scolopendra, Cutis Bufonis, Herba Euphorbiae Humifusae. 七叶一枝花,蟾蜍皮,蜈蚣,地锦草。
- ObjectiveTo confirm the effective part of Rhizoma Cyperi on dysmenorrhea. 目的确定香附治疗痛经的有效部位。
- CONCLUSION: PE2 might be the main antitumor active part of Rhizoma Menipermi. 一般情况较对照组小鼠好,肿瘤生长缓慢而局限,生存期明显延长。
- Conclusion: composition in Rhizoma is almost the same as Fibrous Root. 结论:根茎与须根成分基本相同。
- Objective: To define antipruritic effect of supercritical fluid ext ra ct( SFE) of fructus cnidii. 目的:考察蛇床子超临界萃取物外用的止痒作用。
- Objective To study the mechanism relating to antipruritic effect of the fructus cnidii volatile oil (FV). 目的研究蛇床子挥发油止痒作用的机制。
- Results The spots in Radix Sophorae, Cortex Phellodendri, Fructus Cnidii could be indentified by TLC. 结果在薄层色谱图中检出苦参、黄柏、蛇床子等药材的特征斑点。
- Objective:To define antipruritic effect of supercritical fluid ext ra ct (SFE) of fructus cnidii. 目的:考察蛇床子超临界萃取物外用的止痒作用。
- Fructus cnidii: Common Fructus cnidii is the dried ripe fruit of Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cuss. 五倍子:为漆树科植物盐肤木的虫瘿。
- Objective:To study the variation of shape of Fructus Cnidii from different habitats. 目的:研究不同产地蛇床子性状的变异。
- Method: Fructus Corni, Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati and Radix Astragali in Qingzhuo Qudu Pill were identified by TLC. 方法:采用薄层色谱法对清浊祛毒丸中山茱萸、虎杖、黄芪进行定性鉴别。
- Objective: To extract and determine the compositions and relative amount of steride in Rhizoma Phragmitis. 摘要目的:提取并测定芦根中甾族化合物的成分和相对含量。
- Methods The thin - layer chromalography (TLC) method was used to indentify Radix Sophorae, Cortex Phellodendri, Fructus Cnidii. 方法采用薄层色谱法对处方中的苦参、黄柏、蛇床子等进行定性鉴别。