- Keywords Venturi;Coal fired flue gas;Dedusting &desulfurizing;Scrubber; 文丘里;燃煤烟气;除尘脱硫;洗涤器;
- coal - fired flue gas 燃煤烟气
- Mercury Speciation in Coal Fired Flue Gases and Its Thermal Dynamics Model Prediction 燃煤烟气中汞的形态分布及热力学模型预报
- Discussing the cause of flue gas temperature difference at furnace outlet in 4 corners tangentially coal fired boilers and proposing measures to eliminate such difference. 讨论了四角切圆燃烧锅炉炉膛出口烟温偏差的原因,提出了消除偏差措施的设想。
- The paper introduced the technology of wet FGD and collection by using alkaline dyeprinting wastew-ater for middle and small coal - fired boiler flue gas and gave analysis of its technical economy. 介绍了当前国内利用碱性印染废水进行燃煤锅炉烟气湿法脱硫除尘的技术,并对其进行了技术经济分析。
- Steam generation from this hot flue gas is a last resort option. 从这种高温烟道气生产蒸汽是一种最后的选择。
- Other pollutants, after all, are essentially impurities, which can be washed from the coal or filtered out of the flue gas. 毕竟那些可以从煤炭中或烟道气体中滤除的其他污染物质本身就是杂质。
- Using the model, numerical simulation of the flue gas temperature and speed deviation in the horizontal sack of the tangentially fired boiler before retrofit was performed. 利用该模型对改造前切圆锅炉水平烟道烟温、烟速偏差进了数值模拟,计算结果和实际运行状况一致,证明了模型的可行。
- The major factors is excess air and flue gas temperature. 影响注汽锅炉运行热效率的主要因素是排烟温度和空气系数,测算分析表明,大部分注汽锅炉二者均超标。
- Deodorization of sewage treatment plant, incinerator flue gas. 污水处理场、焚化炉废气除臭。
- The emissions in the flue gas shall comply with EU directives. 烟气散发物应符合欧盟指标。
- A half-wet-half-dry flue gas desulfurization method is proposed. 重点研究了钙硫比、烟气温度、喷水量、加湿喷嘴位置对烟气脱硫效果的影响。
- The resulting flue gas is almost pure carbon dioxide. 产生的管道气体几乎仅仅是二氧化碳。
- Several flue gas desulphurization technologies are introduced. 介绍几种典型的烟气脱硫工艺。
- Uncompleted combustion product in flue gas decreased. 炉气和烟气中不完全燃烧产物减少。
- But technologies also exist to make coal cleaner still, by filtering out carbon dioxide from the flue gas and storing it somehow. 但是借由滤除烟道气体中的二氧化碳并将其储存起来从而令煤炭更加清洁的各类技术已然出世。
- The article analyzes the flue gas of the Orimulsion,and points out that the desulfurization method is no difference with heavy oil and coal. 分析对比了奥里乳化油的烟气,指出其烟气脱硫与重油、煤相比不具有特殊性。
- Active bauxite,silicon dioxide,diatomaceous earth and ash have been found suitab le for alkali removal from hot flue gas in a coal conversion system. 活性矾土、二氧化硅、硅藻土及煤灰对高温烟气中碱金属的脱除都有一定的效果。
- There was no ready-countermeasure to solve fire problem of flue gas electrostatic precipitation of anode baking furnace. 阳极焙烧炉烟气静电捕集净化方法存在着火的问题,着火原因及对策尚无现成经验。
- The research result is useful to the flue gas control and purification. 该研究有利于高温烟气的净化和处理。