- coal roadways tunneling 煤巷掘进
- coal roadway tunneling 煤巷掘进
- large section and rectangular shape coal roadways 大断面矩形煤巷
- Existing Problems of Coal Roadway Bolting Technology in Datong Coalmines Group Co. 煤巷锚杆支护技术在同煤集团应用中存在的问题。
- The results show the combined roof trusses has a practical support effect in coal roadway. 研究表明组合桁架锚杆对煤巷具有良好的支护效果。
- Poor machining quality of drillpipe of coal roadway drilling machine and the cause of rupture on case are analysed. 分析了煤矿用坑道钻机钻杆的加工质量问题和现场使用时产生断裂的原因。
- The Fuxingdonglu roadway tunnel is a twin bore, bi-directional, double deck, six lane tunnel crossing the Huangpu River, with outer diameter of 11.00 m, inner diameter of 10.04 m, and headroom of 2.6 m at the upper deck and 4 m for the lower deck. 上海复兴东路越江隧道为双管双向双层6车道穿越黄浦江的公路隧道。 其中;隧道外径11.;00m;内径为10
- The combined support with cable bolt wire mesh and shotcreting is applied in coal roadway in Xingan Coal Mine of Hegang Mining Industry Group. 鹤岗矿业集团兴安煤矿在煤巷中应用锚索锚杆挂网喷喧支护,取得了较好的技术经济效果。
- In 1997, the Xingtai Mine succeeded in using bolting &boltmesh supporting tech. in coal roadway(supporting the top coal along the bottom). 1997年,邢台矿在全煤(沿底托顶煤)巷道采用锚杆加锚索的支护技术获得成功。
- According to the experiences with rapid drilling in mechanized caving coal roadway, the author analyzes and proposes the measures to improve drilling - speed. 根据多年机掘煤巷快速掘进施工经验进行因素分析并提出了进一步提高快速掘进的措施。
- Owing to the the fact that the difficult-to-work seams account for over 90% of these worked by hydromines,tbe coal roadway bolting technique has made slow progress. 由于煤层地质构造复杂,煤厚变化大等难采煤层条件在水采矿区占90%25以上,故水采矿井煤巷钻杆支护技术发展缓慢。
- We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
- Software Package for Decision Support System of Roadway Tunneling 巷道掘进工艺选择决策支持系统
- She piled on more coal before the fire go out. 在火熄灭之前她又加上些煤。
- Longitudinal analytic equation is convenient for predicting and computing the concentration distributions of air pollutants in river-crossing roadway tunnels. 摘要从纵向通风隧道内空气质量模式的解析解出发,纵向解析模式可方便地预测计算公路越江隧道内空气污染物浓度的分布。
- I add the coal on the flame continuously. 我不断朝火里添加煤炭。
- They are ventilating the sap of a coal mine. 他们正在使煤矿坑道通风。
- Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。
- Study on grouting technology in roadway tunnel landside 铁路隧道塌方注浆加固技术研究
- By means of similarity-simulation test the authors have studied the displacement law of surrounding rock in coal roadway supported by the roof trusses,bolt-mesh shoterete and H-beam steel. 通过相似模拟试验,研究煤巷采用组合桁架锚杆、锚架网和工字钢支护时的变形玻坏规律,由此对比分析探讨组合桁来锚杆的支护效果。