- Over the past only grain, coal mining city of farmers, is now vigorously develop vegetables, fruit and emerging aquaculture industry, and built one ecological park everywhere. 过去只知种粮、挖煤的城区农民,如今大力发展蔬菜、林果和新兴养殖业,并建起了一处处生态园区。
- Born in the coal mining city in Fukuoka, Masaya grows up with inheriting both sides of the genes of his forever hopeless and reckless Dad and the gentle and strong Mom. 为了生计,她在小吃店辛劳的工作,虽然生活过得苦,但脸上总带著笑容。儿子永远排在第一位,就算他的功课再差,也不会骂不会打;
- There are different redundance rate between prefecture coal mining cities and county coal mining cities. 而且两类城市的投入产出的相对冗余率在组内也相差很大。
- They are ventilating the sap of a coal mine. 他们正在使煤矿坑道通风。
- That coal mine is no longer worked. 那个煤矿已经不经营了。
- We decided to open out a coal mine near the city. 我们决定在城市附近开发一煤矿。
- Coal mining has always been a dangerous occupation. 采煤向来是一种危险职业。
- Fuxin is a resources city and a typical mining city. 摘要阜新是一座资源型城市,也是一座典型的矿业城市。
- General bituminous coal mining; Motor freight. 一般烟煤开采;汽车货运。
- They underwrote the coal mine's bonds. 他们同意买下该煤矿的未认购的股票。
- Pretoria for the mining city for the suburbs of diamond, platinum, gold, tin, iron, chrome, coal, ore mining center. 比勒陀利亚为矿业城市,近郊为金刚石、白金、黄金、锡、铁、铬、煤等矿的开采中心。
- The landscape was destroyed by coal mining. 自然景观由于挖煤而受到了破坏。
- There is a coal mine near my home town. 我的家乡附近有一个煤矿。
- Jiamusi Coal Mining Machinery Co. 和佳木斯煤矿机械有限公司。
- A coal mining boom has swept across north China. 煤炭行业的繁荣,在华北到处可见。
- Heilongjiang Coal Mining Machinery Group Co. 宣布,已向国有黑龙江煤矿机械集团有限公司。
- The coal mining area is in the center of the basin. 煤矿区位于盆地的中心。
- Township enterprises mainly in coal mining. 乡镇企业以开采煤炭为主。
- Scope: Coal mining. Coal mining. 经营范围:开采原煤。