- The Check Box and Separator Menu Items. 复选菜单和分隔线。
- coalescer and separator 聚结分离器
- The index value for header, footer, and separator items is -1. 标头、脚注和分隔符项的索引值为-1。
- This shows continuous coalescence and redispersion. 这表明聚集和再分散在不断地进行。
- QJ-C carbon dioxide filter is applied to improve purity of CO2 and separ ... 简 介: QJ-C二氧化碳过滤器用它来提高CO2纯度,分离杂质。
- I had my own strange and separate road. 我有自己奇怪的独特的路。
- A definite and separate occurrence; an event. 特定事件明确或单独的现象; 事件
- He went over and separated the two boys who were fighting. 他走过去把两个打架的男孩子分开了。
- Roundness is an abstract term, so long as one considers it by itself and separates if from any subject that is round. “圆”这个字如果单就其本身而言,而不与任何圆形物体相联想时,它是一个抽象名字。
- When they came, he drew back and separated himself horrified. 他们一来,他就避开了,一个人惊恐地待着。
- Love makes one overcome the sense of isolation and separateness. 爱可以使人战胜孤独和分离之感。
- The cards are coalesced and turned with the back facing the volunteer. 卡片联合并且转动与后面饰面志愿者。
- We went to the bank together then said good bye and separated. 我们一起去银行,然后彼此告别就分手了。
- Uniquely structured, the fluid is non coalescing and recirculatable. 微泡沫具有特殊的结构,不会聚结,可循环使用;
- Are rejected items clearly identified and separated? 不合货品有清楚标识并且有分开吗?
- You can combine fields and separate them by punctuation marks. 您可使用标点符号组合和分隔域。
- You can combine fields and separate them with punctuation marks. 您可以对域进行组合,也可以用标点符号分隔域。
- The actual breach came over a new and separate issue. 真正的决裂,是由于另一个新问题引起的。
- I believe our encounter and separation is the destiny. 我渐渐相信,命运给我们的遭遇,一段一段的相遇和分离。
- Switch the load via the transistor (PNP) and separate connection. 电子插件FEM52 electronic insert (DC PNP) Three-wire DC version;