- coarse grain heat affected zone(CGHAZ) 粗晶区(CGHAZ)
- coarse grain heat affect zone 粗晶热影响区
- Effect of Ti on Structure and Toughness of Coarse Grain Heat Affected Zone of High Strength Low Alloy Steel Ti对低合金高强度钢焊接粗晶热影响区组织及韧性的影响
- Keywords HSLA steel;low susceptivity to weld cracking;large heat input welding;coarse grain heat affected zone;microstructure;acicular ferrite; HSLA钢;低焊接裂纹敏感性;大线能量焊接;焊接热影响粗晶区;微观组织;针状铁素体;
- coarse grain heat affected zone 粗晶热影响区
- Coarse grain heat--affected zone 粗晶区
- The weld section looks like an inverted trapezia and the heat affect zone (HAZ) is very narrow. 焊缝截面呈上宽下窄的倒梯形,热影响区(HAZ)相当窄;
- The mechanical experiment results show that the mechanical properties of the coarse grained heat affe... 焊接粗晶区、细晶区和回火区具有良好的综合力学性能。
- The striation spacing in heat affect zone and welded seam samples was wider than that in matrix sample,this shows that fatigue crack propagation... 焊缝区和热影响区试样的辉纹间距较基体区的大,说明裂纹扩展速率快,焊缝和热影响区的抗裂纹扩展性较基体差。
- The comparison results show that mechanical vibration welding can decrease the residual stress in heat affected zone, refine crystal grain, and improve the fatigue life of the weldment. 对机械振动焊接试板与常规埋弧自动焊接试板进行了残余应力测试、金相观察及疲劳试验,研究了机械振动焊接对焊件疲劳寿命的影响。
- Using the heat of welding to vapour water, cooling rates are lowered on the weld bead and heat affected zone. 利用焊接时的加热使水汽化,不仅使焊道而且使热影响区的冷却速度减慢。
- Numerical Simulation of the heat affected zone of nickel ablated with femtosecond laser[J]. 引用该论文 王志军;贾威;倪晓昌;彭志农;杨丽;王清月.
- Fracture toughness of heat affected zone (HAZ) was between the base metal and weld metal. 焊接热影响区的断裂韧性介于母材和焊缝金属之间。
- Coarse grain size for the larger contact area. 接触面积大时用粗的粒度。
- Excimer laser micromechaning has advantages of non-touching,selective processing,small heat affected zone,high precision and high repitition. 介绍了准分子激光微加工的机理、特点和应用。
- Excimer laser micromechaning has advantages of non-touching selective processing, small heat affected zone, high precision and high repitition. 激光微加工具有非接触、有选择性加工、热影响区域小、高精度与高重复率等优点。
- The weld seam and the entire heat affected zone of laser welded pipe shall be heat treated so as (to simulate a normalizing heat treatment). 激光焊接管的焊缝及整个热影响区应做热处理(类似正火热处理工艺)。
- Coarse grain is just as good as fine. Don't be so finicky. 粗粮细粮一样吃,别那么娇气。
- The experiments show that the remelting hardening layer consists of melting zone, quenching zone and heat affected zone. 实验表明:熔凝硬化层由熔化区、相变硬化区和热影响区组成;
- Based on the structure character of the joint, the microstructure of the joint can be divided into plasticity zone, dynamically quiescent layer, heat affected zone and base metal. 根据焊点接头的组织特征可将其分为塑性区、动态静止层、热影响区和母材。