- coastal geological hazard 海岸地质灾害
- Ground collapse is a common geological hazard in shallow buried karst area. 地面塌陷是浅埋岩溶区常见的一种地质灾害。
- Recent studies indicate that radon hazard is a widespread geological hazard. 氡气灾害是一种广泛分布的地质灾害。
- Subsidence is a primary geological hazard which restricts the economy development of Huainan Coal Mine and causes the environment deterioratation. 摘要塌陷是制约淮南矿区经济发展、造成矿区环境恶化的主要地质灾害。
- Highly Incised Slope (HIS) is a new type of geological hazard in the mountainous region of Three Gorges Reservoir. 摘要高切坡是三峡库区新的地质灾害形式。
- Geological hazard monitoring system should have functions of digitalization,automation and network. 即:地质灾害监测系统应具有数字化、自动化和网络功能;
- Non-mining fracture of shaft-lining is a new style of engineering geological hazard. 煤矿立井井筒非采动破裂是一种新型工程地质灾害。
- Therefore, control Strategies of Mine Water Bursting Geological Hazard of Pongxi Marble Mine are discussed. 在此基础上,探讨了鹏茜大理石矿矿坑突水地质灾害的防治对策。
- Xikou landslide in Huaying mountain is a largest event of geological hazard in our country in the late of 1980 s. 华蓥山溪口滑坡是八十年代末期我国发生最大的地质灾害事件。
- S.Jeffress Williams, a coastal geologist with the United States Geological Survey, called the system “a critical piece of new technology. 为“美国地质勘探报告”工作的海岸地理学家杰佛瑞斯 威廉姆斯把这套系统称为“一项重要的新技术。”
- Geological hazard is a geological pollution. 1: 50, 000 ecological geological investigation in the Daba Mountains is outlined. 地质灾害即是地质污染。介绍在大巴山区开展1:5万生态地质调查工作的情况。
- In allusion to present geological hazard situation in the county,a control countermeasure of "rely mainly on prevention,integrating prev... 针对该县目前地质灾害形势,提出了"以防为主、防治结合、全面规划、综合治理"的防治对策。
- The geological hazard,such as landslide and mudflow,etc. may cause fatal hidden trouble for the safety of gas-oil pipeline in service. 山体滑坡和泥石流等地质灾害对油气管道安全运行构成了潜在的重大危害。
- The improvement engineering of landslide (deformation slope) is important in the geological hazard control in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. 水库滑坡(变形体)防治工程研究是三峡库区地质灾害防治工作的重心和难点问题。
- The research situation of GIS and risk zonation of geological hazard is introduced, whose research direction in counties is put forward. 阐述了GIS与地质灾害风险区划研究的现状,提出了县市地质灾害风险评价与区划的研究方向。
- There are different types of geological hazards in Ludian county. 摘要鲁甸县地质灾害类型众多,主要有滑坡,泥石流、崩塌、地裂缝等。
- The whole process of geological hazard can be distinguished into three stages: the hazard preparating stage, activating stage, and recoving stage after its occurrence. 地质灾害的全部过程可以概括为灾前孕育阶段、灾害活动阶段和灾后恢复阶段等三个阶段。
- The types, formation progress and mechanism of geological hazard, induced by artificial water conservancy in Guan Zhong s loessial plateau region, Shaanxi. 本文论述了关中盆地黄土塬区人类水利工程活动诱发的地质灾害的类型、形成过程和机制,提出了水利事业和保护地质环境二者应协调发展。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- He died in a shipwreck off the south coast. 他在南部海岸一带的海难中死亡。