- checkable code generating unit 可检验码发生装置
- The LOLP considers the forced outage of a generating unit. LOLP考虑发电机组的强迫停运。
- The Measurement choice and its Adaptive scope of Generating Unit Vibration. 机组振动的测量选型及其适用范围。
- The code generator produces code for the object. 代码生成器生成对象的代码。
- The generating unit is started, using auxiliary power from the start-up source. 发电机组采用来自于起动电源的厂用电来起动。
- Error: No code generated for this line. 说明:该行无代码产生。
- Click the Code Generation property page. 单击“代码生成”属性页。
- TRT is a generating unit of energy conservation and environmental protection. 摘要高炉煤气余压回收透平机组(TRT)是一种节能环保的发电装置。
- The hash code generated at run time. 运行时生成的哈希代码。
- Method to write code for the code generator. 方法为代码生成器编写代码。
- XMDS is a code generator that integrates equations. XMDS是一个集成了方程式的代码生成器。
- Each generating unit has its own step-up transformer and its own auxiliary electric power system. 每台发电机组有其自己的升压变压器以及机组自己的供电系统。
- The continuously acting automatic excitation system to control a generating unit terminal voltage. 控制发电单元机组端电压的连续动作的自动励磁系统。
- By then, four power generating units will be put into operation. 四个发电厂将投入运行。
- Defines the languages supported by the code generator. 定义代码生成器支持的语言。
- The code generator does not produce code for the object. 代码生成器不生成对象的代码。
- The power level below which a generating unit has no possibility to participate in frequency control. 发电单元机组低于这功率水平时就不可能参与频率控制运行。
- Of the control used by code generation to declare the control. 代码生成器用于声明控件的控件。
- These features are known as Automatic Code Generation features. 这些功能称为自动代码生成功能。
- A maximum number of times in any day that a generating unit may disconnected and synchronized. 发电单元机组可能的解列和同步,在任何运行日中的最多的时间次数。