- coding audio data 编码音频数据
- The digital encoding used to represent audio data. 用于表示音频数据的数据编码。
- Error: Audio data was lost during capture; reduce capture rate. 在捕获过程中丢失声音数据,请降低捕获速率。
- Converts frequency and bits per sample of PCM audio data. 转换频率以及每个PCM音频数据采样的位数。
- Average amount of audio data transferred to playback device per unit of time. 音频数据在每单位时间里传输到播放设备的平均数量。
- Improved The AVCHD file reader can now import multichannel AAC audio data. AVCHD文件阅读器现在可导入多声道AAC音频。
- The driving force behind the H.261(px64) video coding standard is ISDN.The two B-channels of an ISDN connection (or part of them) can be used to transfer video in addition to audio data. 261视频编码标准是为ISDN而设计的,ISDN连接的两个B通道可以用来传输视频和音频数据。
- You may configure the amount of memory that will be used for buffering audio data during playback or record. 在回放或录音过程中,您可以配置将用于缓冲音频数据的内存容量。
- This method can be used to write the audio data as either a byte array or an audio stream. 可使用此方法将音频数据作为字节数组或音频流写入。
- Method to determine whether the data object contains audio data before retrieving it with this method. 方法可以在使用此方法进行检索之前确定此数据对象是否包含音频数据。
- The interface to an audio stream player passing audio data from specified buffers to the audio hardware. 接口至音频流播放通过音频数据来自指定缓冲器的音频硬件。
- Disables audio output, but still processes audio data internally (so for instance, lip syncing will still function). 禁止音频输出,但是仍然处理音频数据。
- Up to the advent of audio compression, high-quality digital audio data took a lot of hard disk space to store. Let us go through a short example. 在音频压缩出现之前,高质量的数字音频的存储需要占用大量的磁盘空间。我们举一个小例子。
- Audacity uses only a subset of Nyquist's functionality, allowing you to take simple Nyquist functions and use them to process audio data. Audacity仅仅使用了Nyquist函数集的子集,允许您利用一些简单的Nyquist函数来处理音频数据。
- No line matching interface Clip supporting format PCM_SIGNED, 11025.0 Hz, 16 bit, mono, little-endian, audio data, and buffers of 16760 to 16760 bytes is supported. 使用虚拟机运行很正常,可是放到手机里边就不行啦,求各位高人相助!
- It was introduced that a group of APRO exploited on TAPI, and the implementation of audio data transmission and data recording with voice modem. 简要介绍了基于TAPI开发的APRO控件组和采用它及语音modem来实现声音数据传输的方法以及具体的实现过程。
- In the preprocessing stage, the audio data is recognized into the syllable graph with high accuracy syllable candidates. 预处理阶段将语音数据识别成具有高覆盖率的拼音图。
- The system is measure off some sub-module according to there different fuctions,the net data stream is tranferred and audio data stream is processed. 按照不同功能将整个系统主要划分为各个子模块,最终实现了网络数据流的传送与音频数据流的处理。
- Multimedia application, such as an Internet phone, requires playing sound in real time.Thus we are going to deal with in-memery audio data. 多媒体应用程序,比如因特网电话,需要实时播放音频,于是就要处理内存中的音频数据。
- Fixed Some specific audio data would not be correctly decoded by the AAC decoder and resulted in complete absence of audio. 修正AAC解码器对某些特定音频数据的错误解码而导致的完全无声情况。