- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。
- I began to tell Cog, but he didn't listen to me. 我试着眼高格说,可他根本不听我的。
- Cog liable to mildew damage effect ins acidly. 货物可能会发霉,请予以投保。
- cogged V 齿形三角带
- One of the clerks must have slipped a cog. 一定有个店员出了差错。
- His legs sprawl out in V while he was watching TV. 他看电视时双腿呈V字形伸开。
- You are the best girl I'v meet here. 你是我在网上遇到的最好的女孩。
- One of a set of cogged wheels within a mechanism. 嵌齿轮在机构内的一组嵌齿轮之一
- Let u and v be nonconsecutive vertices on c. 设u和v是c上不相邻的两个顶点。
- The gamesters will palm the dice and will cog. 赌徒们藏骰子在手掌中并且要诈赌。
- Does cogged way secretive where? 骗人的招数诡秘何在?
- The plot/graph of I versus V is a straight line. I随V的变化曲线是一条直线
- The word says, the student with cogged nine stood. 话一说完,九个作弊的学生就站了起来。
- Ten years ago the Califonia case People v. 10年前,加利福尼亚People v.
- In the 1923 decision United States v. 1923年,在United States v.
- I began to tell Cog,but he didn't listen to me. 我试着跟高格说,可他根本不听我的。
- Put the V belt on the pulley of the sewing machine. 首先把V形皮带挂到缝纫机皮带轮上。
- Cog liable to mildewdamage effect ins acidly. 货物可能会发霉,请予以投保。
- An indoor tv antenna,2 extendible rods forming a V. 一种室内天线,能够形成v形的两个棒。
- The wheel engages with the cog and turns it. 轮子咬住轮齿并带动它转动.