- cognitive attribute reduction 认知属性约简
- The attribute reduction and rules are gained. 对矩阵进行化简得到属性约简并生成规则。
- Vindication reduced to 2 ranks for 10/20% attribute reduction. 辩护降低到两个等级,降低10/20%25的属性。
- Analysis results show that the model can implement attribute reduction. 分析结果表明,该模型可完成属性约简过程。
- In order to get the reduction of attribute,the paper proposes a rough set attribute reduction algorithm based on AGA. 摘要 为了获得有效的属性最小相对约简,提出了一种基于自适应遗传算法的粗糙集知识约简算法。
- A judgment theorem and a discernibility matrix associated with the attribute reduction are presented. 然后给出了属性约简的判定定理和辨识矩阵并详细地研究了属性约简的基本性质。
- Finally,the equivalence properties between Boolean matrix representation and algebra representation of attribute reduction are proved. 最后证明了属性约简在布尔矩阵和代数两种不同表示下是等价的。
- After dynamically computing a core,attribute reduction can be effectively updated by utilizing the old attribute reduction. 该算法可通过快速更新差别矩阵;在动态求解核的基础上;利用原有的属性约简有效地进行属性约简的增量式更新;因而可提高属性约简的更新效率.
- In Data mining with Attribute-Oriented Generalization(AOG), attribute reduction and concept generalization could not part from concept hierarchy. 摘要 在面向属性归纳(AOG)的数据挖掘中,属性归约及概念归纳都离不开概念层次。
- Based on the attribute reduction method of discernibility max, this paper improves discernibility matrix method and proves it theoretically. 基于属性约简的区分矩阵方法的思想,对区分矩阵方法进行了改进,并给予了理论上的证明,同时对优化方法进行了分析与探讨。
- In the paper,some shortcomings of Zhi Tian-yun s the attribute reduction algorithm based on binary discernibility matrix are pointed out. 指出支天云的二进制可分辨矩阵约简算法存在的不足,给出简化的决策表定义和基于二进制可分辨矩阵的属性频率函数的定义。
- Firstly, a new attributes reduction strategy (ARS) is discussed. 首先,提出一种新型的属性约简策略ARS(Attributes Reduction Strategy)。
- Potassium, cuprum and cobalt are found to be the key factors influencing the titer of erythromycin by co-using attribute reduction EDMAR in rough set and cluster analysis. 通过粗糙集理论的EDMAR属性约简算法结合聚类分析,确定钾、铜、钴是影响红霉素效价的主要因素。
- The judgment method of irreducible elements is first presented,and an approach to attribute reduction in concept lattices is developed based on join irreducible elements. 首先给出了概念格中不可约元的判定方法。基于交不可约元,提出了一种概念格的属性约简方法。
- Based on researching interval attribute valued decision systems in rough set theory, a new approach attribute reduction in interval attribute valued decision systems is presented. 摘要基于粗糙集理论对区间属性值决策系统进行了探讨,提出了一种区间属性值决策系统属性的粗糙约简方法。
- The method of discernibility matrix is a kind of general method for designing the algorithm of attribute reduction in the existed relative attribute reduction. 摘要 在已有的相对属性约简算法中,差别矩阵方法是一种设计属性约简的常用方法。
- Potassium,cuprum and cobalt are found to be the key factors influencing the titer of erythromycin by co-using attribute reduction EDMAR in rough set and cluster analysis. 通过粗糙集理论的EDMAR属性约简算法结合聚类分析,确定钾、铜、钴是影响红霉素效价的主要因素。
- This paper discussed the attribute reduction in rough set combined fuzzy relation theory,and then proposed a new attribute reduction algorithm and gave an illustrative example. 结合模糊关系的理论,对粗糙集理论的属性约简算法进行研究,提出了一个新的属性约简算法,并给出了一个应用实例。
- Customer satisfaction is the combined result of service expectation, service encounter, and cognitive attribution, while;only the factors which can be controlled by library are worthy of measuring. 图书馆用户满意的形成是服务期望、服务接触和结果归因综合作用的结果,而只有其中能为图书馆所控制的因素才具有测评的意义。