- cognitive pattern recognition 认知模式识别
- Pattern Recognition and Intelligence System. 模式识别与智能系统。
- Learning the pattern recognition Watchable. 该程序可以对二维三类样本进行分类,并画出分界面.学习过模式识别的人必看.要学习神经网络的人必看,代码简单,实用性强-the procedure three samples of two-dimensional classification and paint interface.
- Pattern recognition is studied in many fields, including [[psychology]], [[ethology]], [[cognitive science]] and [[computer science]]. 模式识别在诸如心理学、动物行为学、[[认识科学]]以及[[计算机科学]]等领域都有泛及。
- Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic. 碎屑岩相模式的识别是带有一定系统性的。
- What is the effect of context on pattern recognition? 什么是环境背景对模式识别的影响?
- Feature extraction is a basic problem in pattern recognition. 特征提取是模式识别的基本问题。
- Application of artificial neural networks to pattern recognition. 人工神经网络在模式识别中的应用。
- Section for Medical Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition ENGLISH. 医学图象分析和图象识别部。
- As one important branch of stereotype, the gender stereotype embodies the fixed cognitive pattern of past experience toward men and women. 作为其中一个十分重要的分支,性别刻板印象体现着过去经验在两性认知上的固定模式作用。
- We are very familiar with the human ability of pattern recognition. 对于人类的识别能力我们是非常熟悉的。
- Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic . 碎屑岩相模式的识别是带有一定系统性的。
- This aesthetic experience and cognitive pattern of the people in an age and in a clime has its traits to a certainty.These traits form a certain mode indeed. 一定时代一定地域的人们对世界的审美体验和认知方式具有一定的特点,甚至形成一定的模式。
- It mainly consists of sensor arrays and pattern recognition systems. 主要由传感器阵列和模式识别系统组成。
- A unit used for classification and discrimination in pattern recognition. 在模式识别中,用于分类和判别的装置。
- It is important to understand that pattern recognition cannot be considered in isolation. 要知道模式识别是不能孤立起来考虑的。
- Our pattern recognition system is set into motion every time our senses perceive something. 每次当我们的感官有所察觉时,我们的模式识别系统也将有所行动。
- The signals that get sent to the computer can be interpreted using special pattern recognition software. 被送到计算机的信号可以用专门的模式识别软件来加以解释。
- Automatic fingerprint identifying is a synthetic research work in the field of pattern recognition. 摘要指纹自动识别是模式识别领域中的一项综合性研究。