- A quarter of young cohabiting couples are unmarried. 四分之一的青年同居伴侣是未婚的。
- There was no discrimination between homosexual and heterosexual cohabiting couples as far as the tax regime was concerned. 就税收体制而言,不存在同性同居夫妇和异性同居夫妇之间的歧视。
- Although living together is now acceptable, 60 per cent of cohabiting couples still get married after a few years. 虽然同居现在是一种能够被人们接受的方法;有60%25的同居者在数年后还是结了婚。
- More cohabiting couples in their 20's and 30's seek counseling to avoid plunging into marriage's pitfalls. 越来越多20-30岁之间的同居男女热衷于婚姻咨询服务;以免落入婚姻的陷阱.
- Hallie:Not according to this article I've been reading. It reports the results of a survey of cohabiting couples which are quite surprising. 哈利:我读到的这篇报导说不是。报导披露了同居男女调查结果,颇为出人意料。
- The traditional family unit is also changing dramatically with divorce rates rising, family sizes shrinking and the number of unmarried cohabiting couples increasing. 传统的家庭单位随着离婚率的上升也在急剧改变,家庭规模缩小,未婚同居的人数在增加。
- Conservative Vietnam, alarmed by nearly a million unmarried cohabiting couples, is offering wedding licenses door to door to make it easier for people to tie the knot. 将近100万对未婚同居者令保守的越南惶恐不安,政府于是把结婚证送上家门,促使这些人赶紧结婚。
- Moderate domestic violence (defined" as hitting,shoving" or throwing things at a partner) occurred half as of ten with married couples and cohabiting couples engaged to marry than it did with cohabiting couples not planning to marry. 一般性家庭暴力事件(如打斗、冲撞或向对方扔掷物品),在已婚的和同居并订婚的双方之间发生的频率,比在同居而未打算结婚的双方之间要少一半。
- Moderate domestic violence (defined" as hitting, shoving" or throwing things at a partner) occurred half as of ten with married couples and cohabiting couples engaged to marry than it did with cohabiting couples not planning to marry. 一般性家庭暴力事件(如打斗、冲撞或向对方扔掷物品),在已婚的和同居并订婚的双方之间发生的频率,比在同居而未打算结婚的双方之间要少一半。
- There were several courting couples in the park. 公园里有几对谈情说爱的男女。
- They were cohabiting for three years before their marriage. 他们同居了三年才结婚。
- The divorced couples are warring over their children. 离婚的夫妻俩为孩子们的归属而争吵。
- cohabiting couples 同居的男女
- A group of four persons or things, especially two couples. 四人一组四人或物一组,尤指两对
- She refused to cohabit with him before the wedding. 她拒绝在婚礼前与他同居。
- College students should be allowed to cohabit. 大学生应该被允许同居。
- Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that. 像大多数的夫妻到一样,我俩的婚姻波折迭起,但生活就是这样。
- Postgraduates should be allowed to cohabit. 研究生应该允许同居。
- Postgraduates should not be allowed to cohabit. 研究生不应该允许同居。
- The young married couples dig in Manhattan. 那几对年轻夫妇住在曼哈顿。