- My cold feels as though it's getting better. 我的感冒好像好多了。
- In a sunless morning; the cold feeling is intense. 不见阳光的早晨,强烈感觉到那份阴冷。
- He drew a deep breath and looked up at the sky, a cold feeling of loneliness and desolation flooding his poetic soul. 一种孤伶无依,而又寂寞无聊的冷味,灌满了他的“诗人的心”了。
- Keep warm and separate the damp----give warm feeling to you and no cold feeling totally with it when you seat onto the washer of closestool. 保温隔潮----予以暖意,消除坐便器的冰冷感觉。
- Acquire a floor lamp that projects up, the crisscross of light and shadow can break the cold feeling that onefold smooth ribbon comes to. 添置一个向上投射的落地灯,光与影的交错会打破单一光色带来的冷感。
- The wind-chill factor, the combination of low temperature and wind speed, strikingly increases the degree of cold felt by a person who is outdoors. 低温和风速结合在一起产生了寒风,使在户外的人不断感受到寒冷的程度在加剧。
- Most lets me think what is happy is very little rains, does not have the cloudy and cold feeling, I do not like moistly. 最让我觉得高兴的是很少下雨,没有阴冷的感觉,我不喜欢潮湿。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Everything had been so clear.The door opening, the creaky sound, the moon out of the window, the scarlet nails, the cold feeling. 一切是那样的清晰,打开的门,“吱”的一声响,窗外的月亮,血红的指甲,冰冰凉凉的感觉。
- MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pain, cold feeling, intermittent claudication, and ankle-brachial index before and after transplantation. 主要观察指标:移植前后疼痛、冷感、间歇性跛行、踝肱指数变化。
- Gu pillow difficult Mian, half pieces of bed of cold and cheerless, it is us female to Gu male few, to the understanding with cold feeling. 孤枕难眠,冷清的半张床,是我们对孤男寡女,对感情冷淡的理解。
- Feel a sharp pain; feel the cold. 感到一阵剧痛; 感到冷
- Refrigerates after the facial mask uses, the skin can quite easy absorb, the icy cold feeling will also have certain affable function to the skin. 将面膜冷藏后使用,皮肤会比较容易吸收,冰凉的感觉也会对皮肤有一定的舒缓作用。
- Strut of finger, wrist ministry, the skin attenuates, inflexible, much sweat, the plant nerve symptom such as cold feeling, articulatory activity suffers be restricted. 手指、腕关节部肿胀,皮肤变薄,僵硬,多汗,冷感等植物神经症状,关节活动受限。
- But winter's cold common patient has the cold feeling, on respiratory tract's symptom is obvious, for instance the pharynx and larynx is swollen and painful, itches and so on. 而冬天的感冒一般病人有寒冷的感觉,呼吸道上的症状非常明显,比如咽喉肿痛,发痒等。
- Gives the foot temperature value in a comfort environment, analyses the factors causing cold feeling on the foot in swimming baths in winter and presents 3 solutions. 给出了舒适环境下的足部温度值,分析了冬季室内游泳馆导致足部寒冷的因素,并提出了3种解决办法。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- She could only croak because of her heavy cold. 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。