- colection perennial herb 多年生植物收集
- Umbelliferae Angelica is a perennial herb. 当归是伞形科多年生草本植物。
- The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb. 宿根多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部
- The persistent,mostly underground base of a perennial herb. 宿根多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部
- Mirabilis jalapa Linnaeus is a perennial herb of Nyctaginaceae. 摘要紫茉莉是紫茉莉科的一种多年生草本植物。
- Description: Perennial herb to 60 cm tall, glabrous. 形态特徵:多年生草本,高60厘米,全株无毛。
- L. virgaurea and L. sagitta were guerrilla clonal plant of perennial herb. 三种植物的生长型是:黄帚橐吾和箭叶橐吾是多年生游击型草本克隆植物,而掌叶橐吾是多年生丛生型草本植物。
- Wannian Qing for the Liliaceae Wannian Qing is a perennial herb flowers. 万年青为百合科万年青属多年生草本花卉。
- Abstract: Dendrobium nobile Lindl. belonged to perennial herb of orchidaceae. 金钗石斛(Dendrobium nobile Lindl.
- East Asian perennial herbs: plume poppy. 东亚多年生草本植物的一个属;几种产于亚洲的博落回属的植物。
- American perennial herb found in rich woods and provided with stinging hairs; provides fibers used for textiles. 美洲多年生草本植物,有刺毛,生长于小树林中;其纤维可以用于纺织。
- Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad. 一个一年至多年生旧大陆草本属;菘蓝靛蓝。
- North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers. 北美的一种多年生草本植物,叶光滑,花管状、下垂、略带绿色。
- Annual or perennial herbs, or tall woody bamboos. 一年生或多年生草本,或高的木质的竹子。
- Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in North America. 有毛裂叶和黄色花冠的欧亚多年生草本植物;北美洲野生植物。
- North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe. 北美多年生草本植物,秋季开紫色、粉红色或白色小花;欧洲有广泛分布。
- Black cohosh, a perennial herb member of the buttercup family, is the most widely used herbal remedy for hot flashes. 黑升麻,毛莨属植物家族中的多年生草本植物成员,是治疗热潮红的最常用草本植物。
- North American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads. 北美多年生草本植物的一个属,艳丽锥形花冠。
- North American perennial herb; leaves are used medicinally; sometimes placed in genus Cassia. 北美多年生草本植物;叶可入药;有时归入山扁豆属。
- European tufted aromatic perennial herb having hairy red or purple stems and dark green leaves downy white below and red-brown florets. 欧洲一种成簇的芳香的多年生草本植物,茎有毛、红色或紫色,叶黑绿色、下侧有白色绒毛,有红棕色小花。