- collaterals of liver meridian 足厥阴络脉, 足厥阴之别
- Zujuyin Ganjingxue Points of Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin, LR. 足厥阴肝经穴。
- beginning and ending of liver meridian 足厥阴标本
- cold stagnation of liver meridian 寒滞肝脉
- The doctor says it's just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。
- A section of liver explant is provided. 切片示切除的肝脏。
- A Study on Activating Encephalic Region by Needling Five-Shu Points of Liver Meridian using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 针刺肝经五输穴激活脑区的功能磁共振成像研究
- This belonged to a huge type of liver cancer. 是属于巨块型肝癌
- The growth of liver retransplantation was only 11%. 肝再次移植仅仅增长11%25。
- What should diet of liver ascites patient notice? 肝腹水患者日常饮食应该注意些什么?
- Not all kinds of liver disease are infectious. 并非所有的肝病都传染。
- Resection operation on recurrence of liver cancer. 图为肝癌复发再次切除术。
- The liver meridian connects with the gallbladder to form an exteriorinterior relationship. 肝经与胆经相连形成表里关系。
- collaterals of gallbladder meridian 足少阳络脉, 足少阳之别
- Centaury eases cough, bronchitis, inflammation of liver and eye. 咳嗽、支气管炎、肝脏及眼睛发炎有抑制功效。
- collaterals of large intestine meridian 手阳明络脉, 手阳明之别
- Liver meridian stagnation , depressed, constriction of blood vessels, bad capillary circulation of the extremities, use xiao yao san with adjustment of ingredients. 肝经郁结,心情郁闷,会导致血管处于痉挛状态,末稍微循环供血与氧气不足;用消遥散加减。
- Bile is produced as a byproduct of liver metabolism. 胆汁是肝脏代谢活动的副产品。
- collaterals of pericar dium meridian 手厥阴络脉, 手厥阴之别
- collaterals of small intestine meridian 手太阳络脉, 手太阳之别