- She went collecting for a charity. 她去为慈善事业募款。
- He has been collecting for years. 多年来他一直从事收藏工作。
- They took up a collection for the annual dinner. 他们为年会聚餐募捐。
- He's collecting for famine relief. 他正在为赈济饥民募捐.
- The money was collected for a specific purpose. 这笔钱是为一个特定用途而收的。
- We're collecting for local charities. 我们正在为当地慈善机构募捐。
- Gets the action list collection for this designer. 获取此设计器的操作列表集合。
- Gets the options collection for this service. 获取此服务的选项集合。
- I'll trade my stamp collection for your model boat. 我想用我的集邮来换你的船模。
- I'll trade you my stamp collection for yours. 我想用我的邮票换你的。
- We're collecting for the famine victims. 我们正在为遭受饥荒的灾民募款。
- Money is being collected for the new school. 人们正在为这所新学校筹集资金.
- Garbage at the stations will be collected for batch treatment. 车站的废弃物收集后集中处理;
- Sufficient data have been collected for the building project. 为这项建筑工程已经收集了充分的资料。
- I' ll trade you my stamp collection for your model boat. 我想用我搜集的邮票换你的模型船.
- Gets the action list collection for the control designer. 获取此控件设计器的操作列表集合。
- Gets the action list collection for the user control designer. 获取用户控件设计器的操作列表集合。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- Gets the action list collection for the zone designer. 获取区域设计器的操作列表集合。
- These are Perfmon counters that you want to collect for all the SQL Server instances on a machine. 这些计数器就是您要为计算机上的所有SQL Server实例收集的Perfmon计数器。