- collect rent from tenants 向房客收房租
- When he was 14,Buffett spent $1,200 on 40 acres of farmland in Nebraska and soon began collecting rent from a tenant farmer. 14岁那年,巴菲特花了1200美元在内布拉斯加州购置了一片40公顷的农田,然后开始从佃户那里收取租金。
- When he was 14, Buffett spent $1,200 on 40 acres of farmland in Nebraska and soon began collecting rent from a tenant farmer. 14岁那年, 巴菲特花了1200美元在内布拉斯加州购置了一片40公顷的农田, 然后开始从佃户那里收取租金。
- Infants were rent from their mother's arms. 婴儿被从母亲怀里抢走了。
- Children were rent from their mothers' arms by the brutal soldiers. 凶残的士兵把孩子们从母亲的怀抱中夺走了。
- When he was 14, Buffett spent 1,200 on 40 acres of farmland in Nebraska and soon began collecting rent from a tenant farmer 昴悄
- Infant were rent from their mother's arms. 婴儿从母亲手里被抢走。
- I need not have to run around to collect rents from tenants just because I like to invest in properties.I can simply invest in companies that have proven moneymaking people. 因为我喜欢房产投资,不必四处奔波收取房客的租金,我只需将钱投资到热心于赚钱的公司里。
- A landlord requested sexual favours in lieu of rent from a tenant operating an escort agency from the rental property. 房东向一位经营保镖业务的住户表示,可以用性好处代替房租。
- My book is diffe- rent from yours. 我的书与你的不同。
- Did God take the earth on rent from you? 神有向你租地么?
- Can you deduct this month's rent from the deposit? 这个月的房租可以从押金扣吗?
- Children were rent from their mothers'arms by the brutal soldiers . 凶暴的士兵强使孩子们离开他们母亲的怀抱。
- Collects rent and agreed fees from the Leasee pursuant to the contract. 依合同向承租方计收租金及约定费用。
- Children were rent from their mothers'arms by the brutal soldiers. 凶暴的士兵强使孩子离开母亲的怀抱。
- The buyers, Mr.Ito says, sometimes pay for their US$1 million condos with suitcases full of yen, hoping to collect rent while socking their money away overseas. Yukihiko Ito说,购房者有时候会带着装满日圆的手提箱来支付价值100万美元公寓的购房款,这些购房者希望能收租金,同时将资金放到海外。
- The landlord collects rent on the first of the month, without fail. 房东每个月号来收房租。
- His officials administered the domains and collected the rent from the colons. 他的手下管理领地并向佃户收租。
- If there were a designer handbag rental service, would you rent from them? 如果有租借名牌手提袋的服务,你会试用吗?