- A person employed to collect taxes, duties, or other payments. 收税员专职收集税款或其他款项的人员
- A person employed to collect taxes,duties,or other payments. 收税员专职收集税款或其他款项的人员
- The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises. 国会有权规定并征收税金、关税、捐税和消费税。
- A man who collects taxes is called a tax-collector. 收税的人叫税务员。
- In Britain, the Inland Revenue collects taxes. 在英国,税务局徵收各种税项。
- Fang 3 was a nice man. Everyone liked him. One day he went to the Hou farm to collect taxes. 方三是一个善良的人。每个人都喜欢他。一天他去侯家收税。
- States collect taxes and subsume many of the responsibilities of governing from the county. 邦国负责收税也包纳交集很多郡县一级的治理职责。
- What actually Long Fei cares most is, do according to what collect tax augural? 其实龙飞最关心的是,办照是不是收税的前兆?
- Without information, administrative agencies could not regulate industry, protect the environment, prosecute fraud, collect taxes, or issue grants. 没有信息,行政机关便不能从事管理工业、保护环境、起诉欺诈行为、征收税款或授与拨款等活动。
- For example, we can collect taxes, introduce professional services for foreign-funded enterprises and establish some profitable enterprises ourselves. 税收方面可以收一些税,为外资服务的行业可以搞一些,我们自己也可以在那里搞一些有利可图的企业
- Often, war has destroyed the state: there is no one to collect taxes, administer justice or carry out government policy. 通常战火已经焚毁了这个国家:没有人征集税收、执行司法或实施政府政策。
- The government is trying to improve the way it collects taxes. 政府正试图改进收税的方式。
- Laws against concealing assets from tax collectors who are attempting to collect taxes owed through civil, not criminal, tax code seizure statutes. 惩罚向根据民事税收法律规定征税的征税主体隐瞒财产的行为的法律。
- A man who collects taxes is called a tax - collector . 收税的人叫税务员。
- Huis' important leaders accept officalpost offered by Qing-Government,set up independent offical post system in stable region, and collect taxes and run public utilities. 回民军重要领导人接受清朝的封职,在相对稳定的区域内建立了独立的官职系统,征收赋税,举办公共事业,使回民军由民族性组织逐步向地域性组织转化;
- The powers of the Congress are specifically enumerated in the Constitution and include, among other things, the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, and tariffs.U.S.Const. art. 国会的权力在宪法中被明确列举,并且还包括其他,如:规定并收取税金、关税、税则。
- The world's first kings and emperors emerged, with their aristocracies and bureaucrats whose jobs were to collect taxes, issue laws and administer justice for all to see. 世界上的头一批国王和君主冒出来了,和他们的贵族与官僚(其工作是收税)一起,颁布法律,主持公道,以示天下。
- The government could save money by improving the way it collects taxes. 政府用改进收税的办法就可增收。
- With GST many business will now the collecting taxes for the government. 由于消费税很多行业现在要为政府收税。
- Since want to collect tax, the country is about to offer jural protection to the fictitious character in the network. 既然要收税,国家就要对网络中的虚拟人物给予法律上的保护。”