- The collective contract is deemed to come into effect. 集体合同即行生效。
- If the negotiations are unsuccessful, the provisions of the collective contract shall be applied. 协商不成的,适用集体合同规定;
- A collective contract shall be executed by the labor union, on behalf of the enterprise's employees, and the Unit. 集体合同由工会代表企业职工一方与用人单位订立;
- A collective contract shall be signed by the trade union on behalf of the workers and the management of the enterprise. 集体合同由工会代表职工与企业签订;
- A collective contract that has been engaged in accordance with the law shall be binding on the Unit and the laborers. 依法订立的集体合同对用人单位和劳动者具有约束力。
- A collective contract, after it is signed, shall be submitted to the labour administrative department. 集体合同签订后应当报送劳动行政部门;
- The collective contract signed according to law shall be legally binding to both the enterprise management and all the workers. 依法签订的集体合同对企业和企业全体职工具有约束力。
- Where there is no collective contract or the collective contract does not specify, the Unit shall give the laborer equal pay for equal work. 没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定的,实行同工同酬。
- The draft of the collective contract shall be presented to the employee representative congress or all the employees for discussion and approval. 集体合同草案应当提交职工代表大会或者全体职工讨论通过。
- If the Unit has not yet established a labor union, it shall execute the collective contract with a representative put forward by the laborers. 尚未建立工会的用人单位,由上级工会指导劳动者推举的代表与用人单位订立。
- The collective contract with Chinese characteristics in labor law is not scientific,even exerts an unfavorable influence. 劳动法领域中的“集体合同”是中国特色制度,这一用词并不科学,甚至产生负面影响。
- Relevant State stipulations shall apply where there is no collective contract or working conditions are not stipulated in collective contract. 没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定劳动条件等标准的,适用国家有关规定。
- The unions will also have the power to negotiate collective contracts. 工会将拥有谈判签订集体劳动合同的权力。
- They are irregular main bodies , illegimate content , illegimate form , illegimate formality , untrue intent , infringe public morality , disobey collective contract. 主要有主体不合法,内容不合法,形式不合法,签订程序不合法,意思表示不真实,违反社会公共利益,违反集体合同等。
- The workers of an enterprise may sign a collective contract with the management on pay, working hours, rest and vacation, safety and health, insurance and welfare. 企业职工一方与企业可以就劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事项,签订集体合同。
- A working entity and the trade union or the representatives of the employees may stipulate the matters concerning the payment of wages in the collective contract. 用人单位与工会或者职工代表可以在集体合同中约定工资支付事项。
- Industry-wide or regional collective contracts will have binding effect on local Units and laborers throughout the industry or region. 行业性、区域性集体合同对当地本行业、本区域的用人单位和劳动者具有约束力。
- If a dispute arising from the performance of the collective contract is not resolved following consultations, the labor union may apply for arbitration or institute an action according to law. 因履行集体合同发生争议,经协商解决不成的,工会可以依法申请仲裁、提起诉讼。
- The collective contract shall become effective fifteen days from the date of receipt thereof by the Labor Administration Department, unless the said authority raises any objections to the contract. 劳动行政部门自收到集体合同文本之日起十五日内未提出异议的,集体合同即行生效。
- The content of the labor contracts and the collective contracts should conform with relevant State laws and administrative regulations in content. 劳动合同、集体合同的内容,应符合国家有关法律、行政法规。