- They hold together for collective security. 他们为了共同安全而团结在一起。
- Theory of collective security is a postwar concept of security. 集体安全理论是战后出现的一种安全构思。
- This is a significant step forward for our collective security. 这是走向集体安全的重要一步。
- In so doing, the UN is facilitating the transition from a culture of reaction to a culture of prevention as the cornerstone of collective security. 在进行这项工作时,联合国正在发挥一种推动作用,将应付的态度转变成预防的态度,将预防作为集体安全的基石。
- The existing legal system is an important component of the global collective security framework centered around the United Nations. 现有国际军控与裁军法律体系,是以联合国为中心的全球集体安全框架的重要组成部分。
- In a globalized world, emerging epidemics cross national borders and threaten our collective security. 在一个全球化的世界里,新出现的流行病能越过国家边界威胁我们的集体安全。
- Dulles said,“I have followed the progress of this regional collective security organization with deep interest. ”杜勒斯说:“我一直极为关心地注意着这个区域性集体安全组织的进展情况。”
- In so doing,the UN is facilitating the transition from a culture of reaction to a culture of prevention as the cornerstone of collective security. 在进行这项工作时,联合国正在发挥一种推动作用,将应付的态度转变成预防的态度,将预防作为集体安全的基石。
- This strategy greatly strengthens our collective security, and raises the preventive power of these Regulations to new heights. 这一战略大大加强了我们的集体安全,并将条例的预防力量提到新的高度。
- In an age of widespread global trade and travel, new and existing diseases can cross national borders and threaten our collective security. 在一个全球贸易和旅游广泛发展的时代,新的和已有的疾病能够超出国家边界,威胁我们的集体安全。
- In order to establish the collective security system in the Asia-Pacific region, the United States urged both sides to reach normalization. 为在亚太地区建立集体防务体系,美国推动日韩邦交正常化。
- From l930 to l932,the Great Depression apd the rise of Nazi gave aheaVy blow on the collective security system shaPed in l920s. 1930--1932年,经济大危机和纳粹势力的崛起冲击了二十年代的集体安全体系。
- As a whole, EU Collective Security &Defence Policy will provide new approaches and motivity for development of Europe-Russia corporation. 总体上看,欧盟共同安全与防务政策为欧合作的发展提供了新的途径和动力。
- World Health Day, devoted this year to international health security, focuses attention on these complex and interrelated threats to our collective security. 世界卫生日今年的主题是国际卫生安全,侧重于对我们集体安全的这些复杂和相互关联的威胁。
- In the 1930?s ,proceeding from its own interests,the Soviet Union tried to set up a European Collective Security System to get rid of the menace of Nazi Gemany. 20世纪 30年代 ,苏联从本国利益出发 ,积极谋求建立欧洲集体安全体系 ,以消除纳粹德国侵略的威胁。
- Wilson was the originator of the vision of a universal world organization, the League of Nations, which would keep the peace through collective security rather than alliance. 威尔逊总统是"国际联盟"这一全球性世界组织的构想的始作俑者,这一组织旨在通过集体安全而非结盟的方式维护世界和平。
- According to the Itar-Tass reported that the CIS Collective Security Treaty Organization member countries on behalf of the day, held consultations in Moscow. 据俄塔社报道,独联体集体安全条约组织成员国代表当天在莫斯科进行了磋商。
- In fact, because of the still existing armed conflict hegemonism and the imperfect system of collective security, more discussion on the wartime neutral rights is very necessary. 事实上,在武装冲突频繁出现、大国霸权主义犹存、集体安全体系远未完善和健康运作的情况下,更有必要探讨战时中立国的权利问题。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。