- Accordingly, the instrumentality, humanity and aesthetics, as the principles of College Chinese teaching, need to be set up and persisted to accomplish the teaching purposes. 因此,大学语文教学要确立并且坚持工具性、人文性、审美性的原则,从而有效地促使教学目标的实现。
- Facing such problems as insufficient class time, backward teaching method and unvaried teaching means, college Chinese teaching needs reforming and innovating to perform its educational roles. 摘要大学语文教学面临着课时不足、教学方法滞后、教学手段单一等突出问题,必须加强改革与创新,切实发挥大学语文教育的作用。
- The Function of College Chinese Teaching 论大学语文教育在高等教育中的职能与作用
- Higher Vocational College Chinese teaching 高职语文教学
- College Chinese Teaching Based on Aesthetic Education 试论大学语文教学应立足审美教育
- A Study on College Chinese Teaching Material and Methodology 大学语文教材建设和教学方法研究
- Pay Great Emphasis on College Chinese Teaching to Pass on National Culture 加强大学语文教育传承民族文化
- Using College Chinese Teaching to Disseminate Mental Health Education 怎样在大学语文课程中渗透心理健康教育
- The Inspiration of Reform in College Chinese Teaching from Post-Fordism 后福特主义对大学语文教学改革的启示
- Behind "Encountering Embarrassment"--Deep Thoughts on the Current Situation of College Chinese Teaching "遭遇尴尬"的背后--对大学语文现状的深入思考
- On the Expansion of Teaching Space and Establishment of Teaching Methods in College Chinese Teaching 论大学语文教学空间的拓展与教学方法的灵活设置
- Why Is Chinese Teaching Inefficient? 语文教学效率低下症结何在?
- Welcome to Algonquin College Chinese Students' Association (ACCSA)! 欢迎来到亚岗昆学院中国学生会!
- Facing Indifference, What Should We Do in Chinese Teaching? 面对情感冷漠,语文如何作为?
- Declamation is a traditional Chinese teaching method. 诵读教学是我国传统的语文教学方法。
- The Classical Works'Teaching in College Chinese and Humanism Quality's Developing of the College Students. 加强古典文学教学提高大学生人文素质。
- Should cause Chinese teaching to further realize the localilzation. 应使汉语教学进一步实现本土化。
- college Chinese teaching 大学语文
- How to develop foreign students'communication ability in oral Chinese teaching? 对外汉语口语课中培养学生的交际能力初探?
- Facing these,colle ge Chinese teachers have to know the difference Chinese teaching strategy betwee n the college and the elementary high shool,and draw its realizing strategy. 面对这种情况,大学语文教师应正确把握大学语文教学与中小学语文教学不同的价值取向,并据此制定出相应的策略。