- college enrolment rate 升学率
- It is estimated that by the year 2010, the gross enrolment rate in higher education will approach 15 percent. 预计到2010年,高等教育毛入学率将接近15%25。
- National Committee on admission working Conference They was reformed National college enrolment system. 全国高等学校招生工作会议召开决定对高等学校招生制度进行改革。
- It is estimated that by the year 2010,the gross enrolment rate in higher education will approach 15 percent. 预计到2010年,高等教育毛入学率将接近15%25。
- By the end of 2001, the enrolment rate of school-age children had reached 97.41% for primary schools and 82.02% for junior middle schools. 到2001年,小学适龄儿童入学率已达97.;41%25,初中达82
- The recent reform in our system of college enrolment has brought to light many fine young people who are both hard-working and talented. 最近,高等学校招生制度改革之后,发现了一批勤奋努力的、有才华的优秀青少年。
- Even before economic growth began slowing last year, graduates had been having a tough time getting jobs thanks to a surge in college enrolment. 甚至在去年经济增长开始减速之前,由于高校的大量扩招,毕业生找工作就已经变得困难重重。
- By the end of 2001,the enrolment rate of school-age children had reached 97.41% for primary schools and 82.02% for junior middle schools. 到2001年,小学适龄儿童入学率已达97.;41%25,初中达82
- There have been many new developments on the educational front since the smashing of the Gang of Four and particularly since the college enrolment system was reformed and the "two appraisals" were criticized. 粉碎“四人帮”以来,特别是改革高等学校招生制度和批判“两个估计”之后,教育战线出现了许多新气象。
- The country's combined enrolment of disabled children in 1999 reached 371,625, with the enrolment rate of blind, hearing-hampered and mentally disabled children making up 73.4 percent. 1999年,残疾儿童在校生371625人,视力、听力语言、智力三类残疾儿童入学率达到73.;4%25;
- Social undertakings in Tibet have also made rapid progress, with primary schools established in all townships and middle schools in all counties. The enrolment rate of school-age children has reached 85 percent. 西藏的社会事业也取得了很大发展,西藏的教育已经实现乡乡有小学,县县有中学,适龄儿童入学率达到85%25。
- War babies began to increase college enrollments early in the 1960s. 第二次世界大战出生的人在六十年代初期开始大批涌进大学。
- Obese boys did not differ from their non-obese peers in college enrollment. 但是胖男孩在考大学这个问题上与那些正常的同龄人无异。
- Enrolment rates for secondary and tertiaryeducation are low: 60% and 17% respectively, compared with 69% and 29% in Malaysia,for example. 中等教育以及高等教育的入学率都很低:潜着为60%25,后者为17%25,和马来西亚的69%25,和29%25相比是偏低的。
- enrolment rate for children of school age 适龄儿童入学率
- The increase of university and college enrollment was widely appreciated by the general public. 扩大高校招生受到群众普遍欢迎。
- The difference in enrollment rate between boy and girl child decreased from 1.3 points of percentage to 0.14. 男女童入学差异由1.;3个百分点降到0
- When New China was firstly founded, the country's enrollment rate of girls was only 15 percent. 新中国成立时,全国女童入学率只有15%25。
- The police arrested 8 people who counterfeited and vended an admission notification of college enrolling. 警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假大学录取通知书的人.
- A topic of hot debate is the regional equality of the country's college enrollment . 一个热门的争论课题是国家不同地区的大学录取的地区平等性。