- college party construction 高校党建
- college Party construction work 高校党建工作
- the college Party construction 高校党建
- The ruling way is one of the important contents in incumbent party construction and development. 执政方式是执政党建设和发展的一个重要内容。
- Guo Xinhe, Professor, devoted to the research on political theory and Party construction. 郭新和,教授,主要从事政治理论教育教学与党的建设研究。
- The emphasis on Party members themselves is the embodiment of the emphasis.on human being Party Construction. 以党员为本是以人为本在党的自身建设中的具体体现。
- CCP's eighth congress has momentous position in the history of China's administrative party construction. 摘要中共八大在执政党建设史上具有极为重要的地位。
- How to increase the cohesive affinity of pedagogic Party branch and fighting capacity around job of education scientific research, it is a when college party builds main task. 如何围绕教学科研工作提高教师党支部的凝聚力和战斗力,是高校党建的一个重要课题。
- Accordingly, produce the vanward type effect of teacher of college Party member adequately, need tries to know from the train of thought of two kinds of identities and dual role. 因此,充分发挥高校党员教师的先锋模范作用,需要从两种身份和双重角色的思路加以认识。
- It is an important and regular task for the college Party organizations at all levels to cultivate and absorb eligible college students to join the Party. 积极培养和吸收符合条件的大学生入党,是高校各级党组织一项经常性的重要工作,也是加强基层党组织建设的一项重要内容。
- Party construction in non-publicly-owned economic system is actually a task to consolidate the CPC's government in China, politically and socially. 非公有制企业中党的建设问题,是直接关系到巩固党的执政基础和社会基础的重大课题。
- Of the Party member that college party proofreads a college, cadre and activist of join or be admitted to the party groom education is producing main effect. 高校党校对高校的党员、干部和入党积极分子的培训教育发挥着重要作用。
- Lenin developed the party construction theory of the new style Bolshevik Party, and pointed out some important new principles for the construction of the ruling party. 列宁发展了新型布尔什维克党的建党学说,并对执政党的建设提出了一些新的重要原则。
- To promote Party construction in non-publicly-owned economic system, the CPC organization must play a clear part and the complex situations for task must be fully realized. 把握党建工作在非公有制经济中的定位,明确党组织在非公有制经济中的作用,充分认识在非公有制经济中开展党建上作的复杂队,是做好非公有制经济中党建工作的基本前提和要求。
- The leading system is not democratic, just like historical oligarchy, which should not he advocated or regarded as the value object of the Party construction and the state system. “毛周体制”不是民主政治的体制,而是类似历史上的寡头政治,所以不宜宣传,不宜作为党的建设和国家制度的价值目标。
- Meanwhile, to keep up with the development of the times, innovation in party construction must be made in tents of ideological concepts approaches and system construction. 同时,高校机关党建工作要从思想观念、工作方式方法以及制度建设等三方面着力创新,才能跟上时代发展步伐。
- It's ok to have a good time, but some students overdo it. Our group talks about college parties in this Modern English conversation. 痛痛快快地玩一玩是有好处的,但有些学生却玩过了头。在今天的谈话中,我们的主人公正在讨论他们大学时的派对。
- That must process together with Socialism economy construction and Socialism Politics construction and Socialism law construction and Socialism Communist Party construction . 它必须与社会主义经济建设,政治建设,法制建设,党的建设,精神文明建设同步进行,协调发展;
- Strengthening and innovating political and ideological work, and struggling to enhance its pertinence and effect, is an important content of party construction. 加强和改进思想政治工作,努力提高其针对性、实效性,是目前党建工作的重要内容之一。
- Similarly, some super peacocked goth dude has a lot of value to other goth chicks, but to a college party chick looking for a crazy frat boy, the goth dude is just some lame ass weirdo. 类似的,一些超级孔雀的哥特男对其他的哥特女来说具有很高的价值,但是对于大学校园内期待白马王子的MM来说,他们更象是一群怪人。