- Scintillating colors appear in the air. 耀眼的色彩出现在空中。
- Subdued color appearance, concise, composed in the bathroom, can foil more space than normal with master life taste. 色彩柔和沉稳,外观简洁尊贵,置于浴室一角,更能衬托空间主人非同常人的生活品味。
- The study of color appearance has gone through a major transformation in recent years. 有关色彩外观的研究近年来已经历了一个重大的转变。
- Basic color management: Specify how colors appear on your monitor and printer. 基本颜色管理:指定监视器及打印机颜色显示方式。
- The color temperature, or more accurately, the apparent color temperature measures the color appearance of the light source. 色温,或者更准确地说,光源的表观色温衡量了它的始现色。
- The relationship between forget? s color appearance and the chroma of its surround in complex displays was investigated using binocular asymmetric matching method. 用双目不对称匹配法测试了在复杂显示中目标色貌与其周围诱导域彩度的关系。
- Experimental results show that our algorithm can be used to automatically create Van Gogh's style oil painting with good appearance of streamlines and color appearance. 实验结果表明该算法自动化程度高,绘制结果具有较好的流线流动感和色彩层叠感。
- General expression for the effect of an illuminant on the color appearance of objects in conscious or subconscious comparison with their color appearance under a reference illuminant. 某物体在某发光体照射下的颜色效果与该物体在标准发光体下的颜色效果进行比较后所得到的评价。
- On the basis of the relevant theory of colorimetry, a test system is designed for object color appearance measurement and its color-difference evaluation using photoelectric integrating method. 本课题在相关色度学理论的基础上,设计了一种采用光电积分型测量方法对物体表面颜色外貌进行测量并对其予以色差评价的检测系统。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- For "Color Only" method, it only detect the color in the video is similar to the subtitle color.Therefore, if similar color appear in the background of video, it also detected as the subtitle. 如只使用颜色的方法; 影片中与字幕颜色相似的地方会被侦测出来.;但在影片中与字幕颜色相似的背景有机会也会被侦测出来
- In white spot pike, eye color appeared in pre-hatching stage, and body color appeared in hatching stage. 白斑狗鱼出膜前期可见眼球色素、出膜期可见体色素。
- Thorn Grass, which stands for life and the spirit of pertinacity, is the only green color appears in the desert. 棘棘草是沙漠中唯一的绿色,是生命力的象征,是顽强的精神。
- In this illusion, the induced color appears both self-luminous and scintillating. 就这种错觉而言,诱导出的颜色似乎同时会自行发光、也会闪烁。
- Living in the city, Zhang Xin has deep feeling on it and she unveils the soreness and plaintive feeling under the colorful appearance. 生活在都市里的张欣,对此深有感触,她正是揭露了都市光鲜外表下的心酸和哀怨。
- Negative film: Produces a negative image (black is white, white is black, and colors appear as complementaries). 底片:产生负像的胶片(黑色表现为白色,白色表现为黑色,彩色表现为其补色。)
- Because of some although wall paper is same number, but manufacturing date is different, color appears likely slight difference. 因为有的墙纸尽管是同一编号,但生产日期不同,颜色便有可能出现细微差异。
- Apple fruit sunburn is a common disorder and one of the distinguishable symptoms is that browning color appears on the exposed side of a fruit. 苹果果实日烧是一种普遍发生的生理病害,最常见的特征之一就是在果实表面出现褐变。
- The world , various object being that one color appears numerously there exist Nature and human society in the color all with diversity. 自然界和人类社会是一个色彩纷呈的世界,各种事物都以不同的色彩存在。
- In last few years, cloth art furniture is the tactility with its softness, much the design with colorful appearance, captive the heart of many consumer. 近几年,布艺家具以其柔软的触感、多姿多彩的款式,俘虏了不少消费者的心。