- The color measurement followed the ADMI Tristimulus Filter Method. 而且它使用色度的单位是ADMI,想请教下这是个什么方法,
- The color measurement and comparison is one of research items in chromatics and industry with color all the while. 颜色的测量和比较一直是颜色科学及色彩工业研究的课题。
- In this paper, the colorimetric reference and the standard illuminating and viewing geometry recommended by CIE for instrumental color measurement are introduced in detail. 文中详细介绍了物理光度法颜色测量的色度基准以及CIE推荐的标准,照明与观察几何条件。
- Color measurement can be performed via visual method or physical one, the later must follow the corresponding metrological principle. 摘要颜色测量方法分为目视测色和仪器测色两大类,而仪器测色必须符合计量的标准。
- The influence of diffusibility of disperse dyes on color fastness to ironing,soaping and rubbing of both ordinary and superfine polyester fibers was studied by color measurement. 采用测色的方法,研究了常规涤纶纤维和超细涤纶纤维织物上分散染料的扩散性能、耐熨烫牢度、耐皂洗牢度及摩擦牢度的关系。
- In order to be more veracious in color measurement,a method to match color filter is discussed on the basis of colorimetric principle and transmittance characteristic of filter. 为了更准确地进行颜色测量,根据色度学原理和滤色器的透过率特性,论述了匹配滤色器的一种方法。
- In general,color measurement is carried out according to the standard illuminating and viewing conditions recommended by the CIE (International Commission on Illumination). 一般情况下,测色工作者在测色时,按CIE(国际照明委员会)标准色度学系统,在CIE推荐的四种标准照明及观测条件下进行。
- Narrate the principle of color measurement, and introduce various color measurement instrument and application of color measurement in ceramics industry. 概述了颜色测量原理,介绍了各类颜色测量仪器及颜色测量在陶瓷工业中的应用。
- The standard of color measurement was utified by CIE.The spectrometer replaced traditional color measurement instruments such as colorimeter, becoming the mainstream. 摘要: CIE统一了颜色测量的标准,光谱仪取代了色度计等传统测色仪器成为主流。
- The influence of diffusibility of disperse dyes on color fastness to ironing, soaping and rubbing of both ordinary and superfine polyester fibers was studied by color measurement. 摘要采用测色的方法,研究了常规涤纶纤维和超细涤纶纤维织物上分散染料的扩散性能、耐熨烫牢度、耐皂洗牢度及摩擦牢度的关系。
- Equipment Division: various models of color dye mixer, sifter, standard light source light box and marketed in Japan, "Minolta" computer color measurement instrument. 设备部:各种型号色粉搅拌机,筛粉机,标准光源灯箱及经销日本“美能达”电脑测色仪。
- Through vivid scene shows in the customer through the packaging business card printing and membership card produced by strengthening way, color measurement and control system. 透过在生动的现场演示,客户亲身体验了包装制卡和会员卡制作的创新增强方式、色彩度量器及其控制系统。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- According to Lambert-Beer and Kubelk-Munk theory, the method using spectrophotometer and color measurement was designed to determine the dyeing rate of blended fabrics in one bath. 根据朗伯-比尔定律和库贝尔卡-芒克理论,设计了一种利用分光光度计和测色仪测定混纺织物同浴染色上染速率曲线的方法。
- On the basis of modern color measurement technology and color theory, a new software for predicting strength and shade in multibatches combination of same dyestuffor pigment products was developed. 应用现代测量技术和颜色科学的理论,开发了用于同一品种不同批次染(颜)料产品的拼混过程中,拼混产物色光强度的预报软件。
- MCGUIRE R G.Reporting of objective color measurements[J].HortScience,1992,27,1254-1255. 马克元程福厚.;鸭梨果实果点和锈斑的发育[J]
- In order to get tristimulus it can imposing on the spectral reflectance, you can turn color as Visual response to explain, it is one of the most flexible color measurement instruments. 为了得回不一刺激值它可以不差不直射平谱举行积不合,可以把色彩息为触觉反响增以注释,它是一栽最板滞的色彩丈量仪器。
- This paper puts forward to acquire solid standards of color offset printing by the method of combining color measurement and density and a new term "chromaticity difference circle". 提出采用色度与密度测定相结合的分析方法获得四色印刷实地色标准,并提出色品差圆的概念,采用色品差圆确定印刷实地色标准的密度允差范围。
- This paper proposes a low-cost method for measuring Gamma curve by utilizing low-cost CMOS sensors to replace expensive color measuring instrument. 本论文提出了一个低成本的量测伽玛曲线方式,采用CMOS感测器企图取代昂贵的色彩量测仪器。