- color negative generator 彩色信号发生器
- You can overexpose color negative film by as much as four stops to increase shadow detail and reduce contrast, without damaging highlight nuances. 在彩色负片上即使过曝多达四格来增加暗部细节与减少反差也不会损失亮部的细节表现。
- But they have far to go before they match a color negative's ability to lasso photons high and low. 不过对于彩色负片所能呈现的色调范围,数位单眼还差的远呢。
- But with negative film, especially color negative, you\'re better off overexposing by one stop. 这种设置下,照片的阴影区会比主体的亮度低一档。
- But with negative film, especially color negative, you're better off overexposing by one stop. 不过对于负片,尤其是彩色负片,最好加曝一档。
- The evolution of practical sensitometric technique for color negative,color intermediate and color positive films is reviewed. 于感光测定部份,介绍了对彩色底片、彩色中间片,以及彩色正片的感光测定。
- This only apply to motion picture color negative film. B/W motion picture film does not have the remjet layer at the back. 电影底片较一般菲林厚少少;因为它的背面有一层石墨层保护底片;避免拍摄电影时因高速过片而刮花底片.
- New FLEXICOLOR Final Rinse and Replenisher is designed with state-of-the-art surfactants to reduce deposits and drying marks on processed [v]color negative films. 黑白:我查了一下你给我的这瓶,是给彩色负片用的,不是给黑白用的。
- The evolution of cyan couplers for color paper and color negative is introduced, including the peculiar characteristics of the different couplers, reaction mecha. nism and application condition. 介绍了彩色相纸及负片用青成色剂的演变,包括各种类型青成色剂的优缺点、现行负片中青成色剂的作用机理、应用条件。
- The application of three DIAR couplers in color negative film is studied,and the data of sensitivity,fog,particularly,reduced graininess,improved interlayer effect have been obtained. 对3个DIAR成色剂在彩色负片中的应用进行了研究,得到了它们对感光度、灰雾影响的数据,特别是得到了它们在降低颗粒度和改善层间效应方面的数据。
- Color Negative: A negative (opposite) record of the original scene. Colors are the complementaries of the colors in the scene; light areas are dark, and dark areas are light. 彩色底片:对原场景的负像记录。其色彩是场景中色彩的互补色;亮部区域是暗的,暗的区域是亮的。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- It is true that Luxun has his ideation to doubt and negative generally, and the ideation is usually the way of thinking of a modern especially when he is seeking the unattached and free creating. 摘要鲁迅确有一种可称为“怀疑-否定”的基本思维方式,而这一思维方式也是现代人类生命通向独立、自觉、自由的精神创造时几乎持有的。
- Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negatives do. 彩色正片的感光乳剂基本上和彩色负片相同。
- Color Analyzer: A device for determining the correct printing light ratios for printing color negatives. 彩色配光机:一种决定印制彩色底片时,正确的印片光号的设备。
- The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern. 癌症检查的结果中,假阴性占一定比例的现象受到极大关注。
- color negative film processing solution 彩色负片冲洗液
- The absence of color in that drawing make it dull. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。
- The color of her dress suits her very well. 她衣服的颜色很适合她。
- Children like seeing the color television. 孩子们喜欢看彩色电视。