- color separation channel 彩色分离通路
- Refracting light without spectral color separation. 消色差的,不分光的折射光没有光谱颜色分离的
- Color separation, images have to be calibrated to produce linear hues and focus on paper and ink workflow optimization. 中进行。分色之后,图像还要进行校正,以生产出线性的色调,并针对纸张和工作流程优化油墨上限。
- If there are two wire screen angle consistent color separation, you must receive the moire, have to change the angle of the wire. 如果网线上有两色版网线角度不合歧,则肯不退呈现龟纹,务必保持网线角度。
- For the first time in peacetime, normal color separation on version cytobiology School Edition order business card printing and membership card. 上第一色版时按常日变态上版挨次上好校版制卡和会员卡制作。
- Based on fractional Talbot effect, Talbot grating is adopted to realize spatial color separation with high light efficiency. 基于分数泰伯效应,利用泰伯光栅实现了高效率的空域色分离。
- The TIFF format file placement in the page layout design or similar program, it does not require further color separation. 将TIFF格式文件置入页面版式设计或相似程序肘,就不要求做进一步的分色。
- Both the four color separation model based on CMYK and the special color separation model based on two segment classification by the relationship of their locations are presented. 提出基于CMYK的四色分色和基于扫描线空间位置关系的两段法专色分色模型.
- The method of preprinting image quality control was introduced from three aspects of images scanning, color separation and calibration, and output equipment calibration. 在印前操作系统的范围内从图像扫描、分色校正和输出设备校正3个方面给出了印前图像处理的质量控制方法。
- Before the spray coating needs carries on not the drawing part with the color separation adhesive tape and the cover adhesive tape the cover, for instance qin neck fingerplate. 在喷涂之前需要把不绘画的部分用分色胶带和遮盖胶带进行遮盖,比如琴颈指板。
- Backsiphonage protection shall include provision to admit air directly into the reduced pressure zone via a separate channel from the water discharge channel. 反虹吸保护应该包括使得空气通过与水排泄分离开来的渠道直接进入减压区的预防措施。
- First, four continuous-tone color separation negatives for cyan, magenta, yellow and black printer are made respectively via a scanner or process camera; then, screening is done via an enlarger and four screened positives are produced. 先用扫描仪或制版照相机分色,得青蓝、洋红、 黄及黑版用的四张连续色调分色负片。然后用放大机或制版照相机上网,分别制成四张网点正片。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The thesis discussed the building processes and working principles of presented classifiers, and developed the corresponding software for color separation of dot images with the operation system of Microsoft? 课题对各种分类器的构建过程及工作原理进行了细致准确的论述,并以Microsoft Window Me为操作平台采用Microsoft Visual Studio C++6.;0为工具开发出用于网点图像分色处理的DIA系统配套软件,该软件同时还具有相应的图像处理功能。
- On the design basis of two orthogonal direction output, polarization interference filter, this paper focus on the color separation and combination module used for the LCOS projection display. 在介绍任意形状双通道偏振正交输出双折射晶体的偏振干涉滤光片基础上,讨论了LCOS液晶投影仪分色与合色系统基本结构,设计了分合色为一体的新型光引擎。
- The finished article is a splendid sight with islands of brilliant color separated by gilded copper wire. 景泰蓝艺术品富丽堂皇,镀金铜线分割出不同斑斓色彩。
- Southern monetary gold collar, gold MEDALS and gold leaf, large gold collar is found in recent years, have straight waist and waist type two kinds, couplers, color separation of ten points. 南宋黄金货币有金铤、金牌和金叶子等,大型金铤近几年才有发现,有直腰型和束腰型两种,成色分十分色、九分色等。
- completely separate channel signaling 全分离信道信令
- Now what about those projects that don't require fancy printing, DTP, or color separations? 互联网的发展也将我们公司的翻译服务扩展到了全国各市县。
- Deal with the color separators and printers, quality approval and organize the color corrected print proofs to the printers on time. 负责产品样稿分色及质量审批,并准时交付印刷商。