- Film combines pictures with movement, colour and sound. 电影将图片与动作、颜色和声音结合在了一起。
- colour and sound monitor 彩色监视监听器
- Venture down to Bay Street in Nassau during the early morning hours of Boxing Day(the day after Christmas) and New Year's Day and behold this cornucopia of colour and sound. 在节礼日(圣诞节次日)和新年的清晨,来到拿骚市海湾街欣赏这声色斑斓的世界。
- They have got home safe and sound. 他们已平安到家。
- All his sons returned safe and sound from the war. 他所有的儿子都从战争中平安无恙地回来了。
- The package arrived safe and sound. 包裹寄到,丝毫无损。
- These cars vary in size, price, colour and so on. 这些汽车在大小、价格、颜色等方面各不相同。
- Both the colour and shape fit you admirably. 颜色和式样极为适合您。
- He telegraphed that he had arrived in London safe and sound. 他电告他已平安抵达伦敦。
- These cars vary in size,price,colour and so on. 这些汽车在大小、价格、颜色等方面各不相同。
- The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound. 救援人员把登山的人都安然无恙地救了回来。
- His face was drained of all colour and animation. 他面如死灰。
- Fun, bustle, colour and clamour everywhere. 到处好玩,到处热闹,到处有声有色。
- The colour and style is a matter of personal taste. 颜色和式样是个人爱好问题。
- He was full of colour and animation. 他充满魅力,生机勃勃。
- We relieve to see you back safe and sound. 见您平安归来我们感到放心了。
- O thou beautiful, there in the nest is thy love that encloses the soul with colours and sounds and odours. 呵,美丽的你,在窝巢里就是你的爱,用颜色、声音和香气来围拥住灵魂。
- They are blue in colour and have a white roof. 在大屿山营业的的士车身蓝色,车顶白色。
- The ashtray and sound button are in the armrest. 烟灰缸和音乐按钮均设在椅子扶手上。
- NT taxis are green in colour and have a white roof. 新界的士车身绿色,车顶白色。