- Weeks seemed a man of middle age. 威克斯好像是位中年男子。
- We are the part on the edge of middle age. 我们是在中年的边缘。
- colour of Middle ages 中世纪色彩
- She also dreaded falling prey to the diseases of middle age. 她也害怕中年人容易染上的疾
- Joshua Fellowship is form by couples and friends of middle age group. 约书亚团契是由中年夫妇(朋友)所组成的团契。
- He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages. 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。
- They were along in the hotel but for a fat French woman of middle age. 旅馆除了他们,还有一个肥胖的中年法国女人。
- This stage of “middle age” is referred to as the mesotrophic state. “如果我们研究一个年轻湖泊的水生系统的话,我们会发现,情况正是如此。”
- The colour of the red flag has been dulled by age. 那面红旗因年深日久而褪色了。
- The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes. 摘要唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。
- The man cheated little Hans under colour of friendship. 那个人以友谊为名欺骗了小汉斯。
- He stole money under colour of making investments for clients. 他们以给委托人办投资作为幌子捞取钱财。
- The desire in last period of Middle Ages was legendarily manifested by Khan"s wealth. 中世纪晚期的世俗欲望在大汗的财富中得到传奇般映现。
- The black dress chimes in with the colour of her eyes. 这件黑衣服和她的眼睛的颜色很协调。
- It is the transition from theology of Middle Ages to contemporary western philosophy, and stood for the direction of advanced culture at that time. 这一场反形而上学斗争是从中世纪神学到西方当代哲学的转折环节 ,它代表了当时的先进文化的前进方向。
- The symbolic thought in European literature of Middle Ages, which enlightened symbolist theory and Hermeneutic of later ages, is worth researching. 这一时期的文学象征思想对后世的象征理论和各类解释学都有启发意义,因此具有相当的研究价值。
- She loved the life, noise, and colour of the market. 她爱市场上的生趣、喧哗与多姿多彩。
- The congregation consisted in the main of middle aged and elderly people. 大多情况下,教堂会由众多中老年人组成。
- Faced with the internal and external disorder,Dantes finished one eternal pursuit in his Divina Commedia in the turning point of Middle Ages and Modern Ages. 在中世纪与近代文化交界地带,但丁面对内在外在的价值纷乱,在其长诗《神曲》中完成了一次终极追寻。
- The boy's story has some colour of truth. 这男孩的一番叙述听来似乎是真的。