- Each colour on the chart represents a different department. 图表中的每一种颜色都代表一个不同的部门。
- His book on colour photography exhausted the subject. 他那本关于彩色摄影术的书写得全面透彻。
- You can adjust the colour on the TV by turning this knob. 你可以转动这个旋钮来调整电视的色彩。
- Most of us see everything in colour all our lives, and we base quite a large number of our daily actions on colour information. "我们大多数人一生中看到的每样东西都是有色彩的,这样,我们的许多日常活动都是以色彩信息为依据了。
- The colours on the oil painting match up very nicely. 这张油画上的色彩配得很协调。
- Within two hours his complexion took on colour and his limbs became warm. 两个钟头不到,他脸上就有了血色,四肢也暖和起来。
- Have you ever did piece dyed,any fabric problem on colour shrinkage? 你们以前没有做过匹染吗?你们的匹染没有色差和缩率问题吗?
- Most films are colour ones nowadays. 现在大多数影片是彩色的。
- So interior design is doable of there's something behind all this on colour. 所以室内设计在色彩上是大有文章可做的。
- On colour, white metope can hang shallow brown or flaxen picture frame. 在色彩上,白色墙面可挂浅棕色或淡黄色镜框。
- The painter was laying colours on canvas. 画家正往画布上涂颜料。
- The painter was laying colours on canvas . 画家正往画布上涂颜料。
- I have not applied colours on this drawing. 我还没有给这幅画着色。
- I see what you mean-the colours on the wires tell you which terminal to connect them to. 我明白了,这些电线上的不同颜色告诉你该去连接哪一个终端。
- On colour show ego adequately: Colorific choice, actual it is the clever collocation that having colour and pattern. 色彩上充分展现自我:色彩的选择,实际是在进行色彩与图案的巧妙搭配。
- Duplex board: Board for box making and packaging. Usually coated on one side and grey colour on the other side. 灰底白纸板:包装及制盒用的纸板。通常一面加上涂层,另一面是灰色。
- Duplex envelope paper: Generally made by twin-wire,with a colour on one side and white on the other,to improve opacity. 双面信封纸:通常是由双网造纸机造成。一面是白色,另一面是其他颜色,以增加不透明度。
- I then crayoned very gently the colours on top of this. 然后,我在这上面用蜡笔轻轻地上色。
- Professor,what do you make of the strange colouring on this sample? 教授,您认为这个样品上奇异的涂色怎么样?
- DIPPOLDISWALDER MALER GMBH offers you more Offers on Colour design, Painter enterprise. 提供压印章、彩色设计和压花、滚花产品,此外,电子部件的产品供应已就绪。