- Once Fast Sintering of Red Coloured Glaze Tile in Low Temperature 低温一次快烧红色琉璃瓦
- coloured glaze tile 琉璃瓦
- Ceramic products includes polished tile,glaze tile,etc. 我司加工销售的陶瓷产品主要有:抛光砖,釉面砖等。
- Most scarabs were made of steatite which was then covered with a turquoise coloured glaze. 大多数圣甲虫是用滑石做成,然后在滑石上用绿宝石彩釉覆盖。
- The coloured glaze that dewax makes, often present a complex and meticulous craft. 脱蜡制作的琉璃,经常呈现出复杂细致的工艺。
- See the difficulty that coloured glaze makes, this is the reason that people collects coloured glaze artwork about. 可见琉璃制作的难度,这大约就是人们收藏琉璃艺术品的原因。
- Front the door with coloured glazed panel. 用有色光滑的面板作门的正面。
- P.S Tripartite pure land: Extremely happy in the West, Eastern coloured glaze, Maitreya pure land (Place to expound doctrines Bible under Long HuaShu). 附:三方净土:西方极乐、东方琉璃、弥勒净土(龙华树下讲经处)
- The YaoZhou kilns in TongChuan county, Shananxi province, began producing celadon, black porcelain, and pottery with coloured glaze in the Tang period. 从唐代开始,陕西铜川耀州开始烧造青瓷、黑瓷及彩色釉陶等品种。
- The tile made from the firing of glaze with different colors under higher temperature is called glazed tile. 施以各种颜色釉并在较高温度下烧成的上釉瓦因此被称为琉璃瓦。
- The fritted glaze, with larger range of firing temperature and more choices of color glaze, is used to make western glazed tile. 西式琉璃瓦用釉为熔块釉,熔块釉有较大的烧成温度范围和色釉选择余地。
- The domes are covered with blue glaze tiles forming classical Mongolian cloud patterns and inlaid with golden glaze tiles. The colour combination and design, much adored by the Mongols, are symbols of purity and benignity. 每个圆顶上都用蓝色的琉璃瓦砌成典雅浑厚的云头花镶嵌黄色琉璃砖,那是蒙古族所崇尚的颜色和图案,是他们纯洁善良性格的象征。
- Normally, people thinks coloured glaze is made is the thing with one easy picket, actually otherwise, especially coloured glaze makes medium dewax foundry technology, more extremely difficult. 通常,人们以为琉璃制作是一桩轻易的事情,其实不然,非凡是琉璃制作中的脱蜡铸造工艺,更是难上加难。
- It is applicable for surface polishing, semi-polishing and matte polishing process of glaze tile with surface glazing, microlite tile and vitrified tile. 适用于表面施釉烧成的釉面砖、微晶砖、玻化砖、石材的表面抛光和半抛、哑光抛工艺。
- PINK BEADS FACTORY are specialized in designing, manufacturing and marketing of crytal beads,Coloured Glaze Beads and the finished products like:bracelet,earring,necklace,dangler,keychain and etc. 我们是浦江的首饰加工厂,主要做水晶,琉璃以及加工而成的成品,如手链,耳环,手机链,包链,钥匙链,还可以来样定做。
- In the midst of a patch of deep, shady green, they caught sight of a glazed tile roof shining golden in the sunlight. 在一片浓郁的绿荫上头,他们看见一个金灿灿的琉璃庙顶在阳光中闪耀。
- The pagoda built of glazed tiles in Huishan Temple. 会善寺硫璃塔。
- Are covered with yellow glazed tiles. 贴的都是黄色的琉璃砖。
- Gablezhao bi tempera paint, colorful glazed tile, the gatehouse of the old, the whole buildingjing ya harmony. 山墙照壁油漆彩画,琉璃瓦色彩斑烂,门楼古色古香,整个建筑和谐静雅。
- Every tower canopies are of uniform green glazed tile, hanging Yanjiao Campanula, ringtones Liaoliang pleasant. 每层塔檐均用绿色琉璃瓦铺盖,檐角悬挂着风铃,铃声嘹亮悦耳。