- Only approved Joint-sponsored publications are releasable outside the combatant commands, Services, and Joint Staff.Local reproduction is authorized and access is unrestricted. 只有经联合审察通过后的版本方可在各联合作战司令部、各军种及联合参谋部以外发行。
- USCENTCOM is a joint services Combatant Command responsible for Combat Operations within South West Asia (SWA), including Iraq and Afghanistan. USCENTCOM是一个联合军兵种作战司令部,负责西南亚地区的作战行动,包括伊拉克和阿富汗在内。
- McGettrick: For DIOT&E, we employ tactics developed by Air Combat Command for the F/A-22. 克拉姆: 所有的初期作战专项测试与评估都将回绕爱德华兹空军基地进行。
- While I am concentrating on effectiveness, Air Combat Command has people here addressing suitability. 当我集中精力于作战威力这个方面的同时,空战司令部会派人关注适用性问题。
- I'm operationally assigned to the 94th Fighter Squadron, but the demo team itself falls under Air Combat Command. 我在编制上归属第94战斗机中队,但表演队本身是在空战司令部的直接指挥下。
- Designed as a workstation, the Q-70 assimilates data from combat command and control systems, providing a picture of the battlespace. 作为一个工作站,Q-70从作战指挥控制系统接收数据,生成战场图像。
- A lot of pilots are qualified to fly developmental test, but they might not have the Weapons School credential that allows Air Combat Command to trust their opinions more easily. 也有许多飞行员可以飞研发试飞,但他们可能没有武器学校的文凭来使空战司令部更轻松地认可他们的选择。
- One example of this is the capabilities that unmanned aerial vehicles bring to combatant commanders. 一个典型的例子就是无人航空器增添战斗指挥官的效能。
- Finally, the flight conflicts detection methods are optimized, and measures for collision elusion are put forward based on the characteristics of the modem air combat command system. 最后,针对现代空战指挥体系的特点,优化了空战时飞行冲突的探测方法并提出了规避冲突的措施。
- They will in Louisiana Barksdale Air Force Base to maintain a temporary headquarters, military bases in the country at the same time the distribution of 541 features with a subset of combat command. 他们会在路易斯安那州巴克斯代尔空军基地保留一个临时性的司令部,同时在全国军事基地分布541个具备实战功能的子司令部。
- In the modern city fight, dealing with the State Department will no longer be the combatant commander's concern, but the battalion commander's. 在现代城市战斗中,与国务院打交道将不再是战斗指挥员所要考虑的事情,而应该是军队指挥官的事情。
- "The number of troops currently in Iraq is the number of troops that the combatant commander, John Abizaid, has asked for," he said. 他说,“目前驻守在伊拉克的部队,是由参加过战斗的阿比扎依德司令官领导的部队。
- The officers were brawling commands. 军官们大声地喊口令。
- "The number of troops currently in Iraq is the number of troops that the combatant commander , John Abizaid, has asked for," he said. 他说,“目前驻守在伊拉克的部队,是由参加过战斗的阿比扎依德司令官领导的部队。”
- Second, the Combatant Commander and the Director of Mobility Forces gained additional resources to expend on other priorities. 其次,作战指挥员和机动部队的主管可以获取额外的资源用于其它任务。
- The order, announced Dec. 17, calls for CSC to deliver SOAF support to multiple DOD agencies, services and combatant commanders in all echelons. 本次合同要求计算科学公司为多个国防部业务、军兵种以及各级指挥官提供面向服务的体系结构基础计划支持。
- He rapped out a series of curt commands. 他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。
- He commands the respect of all who know him well. 所有了解他的人都对他非常尊敬。
- This paper introduces in detail the fire-fighting system design of Linfen police bureau combat commanding center according to its architectural characteristics. 本文根据其建筑的特点,详细介绍了临汾市公安局作战指挥中心消防系统的设计内容。
- Her commands were quickly obeyed. 她的命令已迅速执行。