- A combined technology consisting of conventional processing and hydrotreatment was developed by RIPP. 开发渣油加氢处理技术是我国重油深加工的主要发展方向。
- Chromosome micro-dissection and micro-clone is a combined technology of cytogenetics and molecular genetics, which have a bright prospect. 染色体显微切割技术是细胞遗传学和分子遗传学相结合的一种技术,应用前景广阔。
- The project case of using the combined technology of ABR and CASS for slaughterhouse wastewater treatment was introduced. 介绍了采用折板厌氧反应器(ABR)/循环活性污泥系统(CASS)处理屠宰废水的工程实例。
- This article introduces the feature of STT welding power source,researches the combined technology of rough welding,filling inshielded flux-cored and casing welding. 介绍了STT焊接电源的性能特点,对STT半自动焊根焊,自保护药芯焊丝半自动焊填充、盖面的组合焊接工艺进行了研究。
- The application of the combined technology of nano and antibacterium to ceramics production will largely improve the performance of traditional ceramics. 纳米与抗菌技术相互结合应用在陶瓷生产中,将极大地改善传统陶瓷的性能。
- The organic combined technology of sprayed polyurea elastomer and spayed polyurethane foam is suitable for site spray of waterproof and thermal insulation roof. 喷涂聚脲弹性体及喷涂聚氨酯弹性体技术,两者有机结合,适用于防水、保温屋面的现场喷涂。
- "Our goal is to give our users an edge through combined technology and services, and the annual Reader's Choice results are an important scorecard of progress. 我们的目标是向用户提供集成技术和服务的优势,而这些‘年度读者选择奖’是我们成就的一个重要标志。
- The combined technology of coagulative precipitation-iron chippings filtering-alkaline separation was ed to purify the high concentration sulphur dyeing sewage. 采用混凝沉淀-铁屑过滤-碱析组合工艺处理高浓度硫化染色废水。
- For the features of serious emulsion of oily grains in wastewater the combined technology of gravity separation and chemical coagulation precipitation has been adopted to dispose the oily wastewater. 针对废水中油粒乳化严重的特点,采用重力分离与化学混凝沉淀相结合的工艺,对燃机电厂含油废水进行了综合处理。
- Decomposition of ultrasonic and its combined technologies are a rising sewage disposal technology,it has capacious prospect and implicational market. 超声及其组合技术对有机物废水降解是一种新兴的污水处理技术,有着广阔的发展前景和应用市场。
- With the pretreatment of bleach earth and single-stage in series hydrofining process combined technology, food stuff-grade high-quality microcrystal wax can be produced at suit able conditions. 采用白土预精制和一段串联加氢联合工艺,在适合的反应条件下,可生产食品级优质微晶蜡。
- Combined technology of coagulation sedimentation - acid hydrolysis - suspended chain aerating - biological contact oxidation was used to treat leather industry and fur processing wastewater. 采用混凝沉淀-酸化水解-悬挂链曝气-生物接触氧化组合工艺处理皮革和毛皮加工生产废水。
- In order to simplify operation process and reduce cost,a combined technology of hydraulic jetting oriented perforating and fracturing has been applied in many horizontal wells in Changqing Oilfield. 传统的水平井施工是通过油管传输射孔和分段压裂来进行的,为简化其施工工序,降低成本,在长庆油田多口水平井中应用了水力喷射定向射孔与压裂联作技术。
- The highly successful program combines technology and drama to promote creative and cross-cultural learning. 这个非常成功的计划将科技和戏剧相结合,以促进创新的、跨文化的学习。
- It is not only a applied science but also a sociology,and combines technology with economy、politics、culture closely. 它既是一门应用性学科,又是一门社会学,把技术和经济、政治、文化紧密地结合起来。
- Solid Mu Fu closes the door: Use production of mechanization automation line, use solid Mu Fu to combine technology. 实木复合门:采用机械化流水线生产,使用实木复合工艺。
- Meanwhile,the paper points out that the combination technology is not simple adds of several single technolo gy. 根据技术原理和油层情况,通过试验研究,实现技术优势互补,达到增油效果和经济效益最佳。
- Abs tract : The UF,RO and Ed combined technological process was used to treat the low-level radioactive waste water coming from the radiochemistry laboratory in our institute. 择要:先容用超滤-反渗透渗出-电渗析组合工艺处置惩罚放射化学实验室倾轧的低程度放射性废水。
- The group wants to develope combination technology to be able to use energy from the cook stove to provide things like heat or light. 组织希望能够开发联合的技术,能够把做饭炉子的能源用来提供其他的东西如热和灯。
- The two parties have combined to form a government. 两党已经联合起来组成政府。