- The operation itself was a model of combined work. 这次战役本身是联合作战的一个范例。
- We can't always combine work with pleasure. 我们并不总是能在工作中享受到乐趣。
- Better combine work with pleasure. 最好把工作和娱乐结合到一块。
- We should combine work with rest. 我们应劳逸结合。
- We should combine work with pleasure. 我们应该寓工作于娱乐中。
- Dblant is, first of all, a real team which implies a collective conception and a combined work. 都林首先是一个具备集体观念并能提供综合性服务的团队。
- In general, it will take decades or centuries of the combined work of many experimenters to adequately populate the space available to a theory. 一般地,将一个理论扩张到足够的空间需要几十年甚至上百年间大量实验的共同工作成果。
- The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. 合并的作品仅需要包含一份本许可证,多个相同的不可变章节可以由一个来取代。
- You should try your best to combine work with pleasure. 有些影片使教育与娱乐融为一体。你应该努力把工作和娱乐结合起来。
- It is difficult to analyze combined work of underground penstock due to the gap among steel lining, concrete lining and rock. 摘要埋藏式压力钢管设计中,钢衬、混凝土衬圈和围岩之间普遍存在着不连续的缝隙,致使设计计算时难以进行联合受力分析。
- Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. 在这个组合作品的许可声明中的‘恒常章节’的列表中,对其章节标题也作出相同的调整。
- A combined work presumes a hierarchic system and a precise attribution of the tasks within a structure where each one plays a specific role. 一项综合性的工作需要一个等级体系及每项任务的准确归属,在这样一个结构中每位成员均扮演一个特定的角色。
- The combined work products of the CGMP Initiative are positioned well to provide a comprehensive set of regulatory tools to facilitate a move towards the desired state. CGMP行动计划的复合工作产品会得到良好的定位,以提供一套全面的药政工具来促进达到理想状态。
- The two parties have combined to form a government. 两党已经联合起来组成政府。
- The combined fleet is armed to the teeth. 这支联合舰队全副武装。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。
- He jibbed at working overtime every day. 他不愿每天都加班加点。
- The basketball players are working out at the gym. 篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。
- Addleshaw Goddard, a law firm, has created the role of legal director as an alternative to partnerships for women who want to combine work and motherhood. AddleshawGoddard,一家律所,为想兼顾做妈妈和工作的女性创造出了法务主管这一职位作为合伙人职位的替代品。
- In sum, theory must be combined with practice. 总之,理论必须同实践相结合。