- come of good parentage 家世好,门第高
- Of good parentage They still did not know her place of birth or her parentage. 他们仍然不知道她的出身地和家庭门第。
- I don't know if any good will come of your actions. 我不知道你的行为会带来什么好结果。
- We don't know if anything good will come of your decision. 我们不知道你的决定是否会带来好处。
- Mr Smith came of good station though he now sold newspapers in the street. 史密斯先生眼下沿街卖报,可他却是出身望族。
- Nothing but trouble will come of this plan. 这个计划只能带来麻烦。
- I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. 我由于这一次的幸运而狂喜。
- It's of good quality. I think I'll take it. 这个质量好。我就买它吧。
- The medicine did his stomachache a power of good. 这种药对他的胃痛疗效显著。
- A precious lot of good that will do! 那样做大有好处!
- Has fallen. Much good has come of that. 带来很多好处。
- She shows little appreciation of good music. 她对于好音乐几乎没有欣赏能力。
- Question: Will any good come of the war? 小男孩请示:请问战争会带来任何好的结果吗?
- Simplicity is the essence of good taste. 纯朴是情趣高尚的主要因素。
- He promised to help, but I don't think anything will come of it. 他答应帮忙,但我想不会有任何结果。
- Surely I will, as long as it's of good quality. 只要质量好,我当然愿意。
- No good will come of all these violation activities. 这些违法行为都不会有好结果的。
- I knew no good would come of such a marriage. 我知道这样的婚姻不会有好结果。
- A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. 小孩儿不解善恶。
- Nothing good could come of things here below. 尘世间没有什么好东西。