- come disappear from sight 出现
- The car turned (round) the corner and disappeared from sight. 那辆汽车一转弯就不见了。
- The whales then depart, flippers touching, and swim slowly side by side, diving and surfacing in perfect unison until they disappear from sight. 后来两条鲸又分开了,但是仍鳍挨着鳍,肩并肩慢慢地游着,动作完美而和谐,忽而潜入水中,忽而游出水面,直至它们从视野中渐渐消失。
- Putuo Mountain becomes a busy and crowded place of worship for Buddhists and all snakes then disappear from sight. 从此,普陀山上香火旺盛,蛇的踪影也随之不见了。
- I glimpsed at her among the crowd before she disappeared from sight. 就在她即将消失在人群里之前,我瞥见了她。
- He padded on and disappeared from sight. 他步伐沉重地向前走去,渐渐消失了。
- The whales then depart,flippers touching,and swim slowly side by side,diving and surfacing in perfect unison until they disappear from sight. 后来两条鲸又分开了,但是仍鳍挨着鳍,肩并肩慢慢地游着,动作完美而和谐,忽而潜入水中,忽而游出水面,直至它们从视野中渐渐消失。
- The boat disappeared from sight. 那艘船从视野中消失了。
- Sire, she has disappeared from sight. 王子殿下,她不见了。
- After that, Putuo Mountain becomes a busy and crowded place of worship for Buddhists and all snakes then disappear from sight. 从此,普陀山上香火旺盛,蛇的踪影也随之不见了。
- But as we look out our window, we suddenly see the last coach of the other train disappear from sight and notice the motionless station behind it. 但当我们往窗外一看,这才突然看见另一列火车的最后一节车厢从我们的视野中正在消失,于是我们看到那一列火车后面留下的是不动的火车站。
- As the bridge and the opening above disappear from sight, a single blast of fury comes through that stuns many who stand upon the plain below, felling them as if with a blow. 金桥和上空的裂隙从视线中消失时产生的强烈爆炸,震倒了下面平原上的许多人,如狂风扫落叶。
- I watched her until she disappeared from sight in the distance. 我看着她,直到她走到远得看不见为止。
- The thief plunged into the crowd and disappeared from sight. 那贼冲入人群不见了。
- We watched the guests until they disappeared from sight. 我们望着客人们直到看不见了为止。
- The car turned(round)the corner and disappeared from sight. 那辆汽车一转弯就不见了.
- She watched the train till it disappeared from sight. 她一直注视着火车,直到看不见为止。
- Eg: I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight. 就在她消失前的一刹那,我在人群中瞥见了她。
- I glimpsed her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight. 我刚从人群中瞥见他,可她一下子就消失了。
- But she continued standing,looking out into the street,long after the three cars had disappeared from sight. 但她继续站着,凝视着街头,那三辆车早已消失不见了。