- The new type of bus comes into service next month. 下月这种新型公共汽车即可投入运行。
- Tape recorders have come into service in the teaching of foreign languages. 录音机在外语教学中已开始使用。
- The first group of non-governmental banks will come into service next year. 首批民营银行可能在明年出现。
- The ship had come into service only weeks before the rescue mission. 这条船仅仅是在救援任务开展前几个星期才开始投入使用。
- The new office comes into service later this month. 新办公室本月下旬将开始使用。
- There will be four car carriers that come into service by 2008, in which, two 4900-CEU and two 6400-CEU car carriers. 中海汽船2008年还将有四艘大型汽车船陆续投入营运,其中4900车位汽车船2艘;6400车位汽车船2艘。
- New shops will be built for selling traditional items such as clothing and jade, while a basin-meal restaurant and Chinese-medicated cuisine would come into service. 这些商店都售卖有中国色彩的物品,如传统服饰、玉器,亦有围村盆菜酒家、中药膳坊等,吸引人流。
- So many people came into the party that Helen had to press several of her women guests into service to help with refreshments. 许多人来参加宴会,因此海伦不得不请几位女宾帮忙上点心。
- HMS Vanguard came into service in 1993, has a crew of around 140 and typically carries 16 Lockheed Trident D5 missiles. “前卫号”于1993年开始服役,有大约140名船员,通常载有16颗洛克希德三叉戟D5导弹。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。
- He come into the room with an air of importance. 他带著一副了不起的神情走进室内。
- All possible techniques are pressed into service. 所有可能用得上的技术都被利用了。
- The new car will come into use next month. 那辆新车将于下月开始使用。
- When do the new safety rules come into force? 新的安全规则何时生效?
- A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了。
- When does the new law come into operation? 这项新法律何时生效?
- Her whole family were pressed into service when the shop was busy. 店里忙时,她全家都来干。
- Peaches will soon come into season. 桃子不久即将上市。
- Once the machines are tested, they may be put into service. 机器一旦经过试验,就可以投入使用。