- Don't give up,my son! You've already come this far. 儿子啊,别放弃,你都努力了这么多久了。
- Marlin: I didn“t come this far to be breakfast. 马林:我大老远跑来不是来当早餐的。
- That Acer has come this far is something of a testament to the drive and unconventional approach of the43-year-old Mr.Shih, who has become the Steve Jobs of Taiwan. 宏碁能有今天的成就,应该可以证明43岁的施先生努力不懈和创新的经营方法。他已为台湾的贾提夫。
- They had come this far through successive acts of faith that had enabled them to transcend the vicissitudes of history. 他们能维持到今,靠的是取信于民,笃行不倦,使他们得以越过历史的盛衰兴败。
- It was I who deemed that the Titans lose the Great War and I who have allow you to come this far. 是我,认定泰坦族在圣战中失败;是我,允许你走到了今天这一步。
- That I had come this far undetected caused me no small satisfaction, but I was not completely at ease. 我对于走到这一步仍没有被揭穿感到挺得意的,但还没有完全放下心来。
- Congratulations on coming this far in your Fundi course. 恭喜您学习了这么多方迪课程。
- It would be greatly disappointing if we failed to land the title after coming this far. 它会非常令人失望如果我们失败的对土地目前为止在来临之后的名称。
- Enrage: "I have not come this far to be stopped! The future I have planned will not be jeopardized! Now, you will taste true power! 激怒:“我不可能就此止步!没有阻力可以干扰我规划好的未来!现在,你将感受真正的力量!
- That Acer has come this far is something of a testament to the drive and unconventional approach of the43 - year - old Mr. 宏?能有今天的成就,应该可以证明43岁的施先生努力不懈和创新的经营方法。
- That Acer has come this far is something of a testament to the drive and unconventional approach of the 43-year-old Mr.Shih,who has become the Steve Jobs of Taiwan. 宏碁能有今天的成就,应该可以证明43岁的施先生努力不懈和创新的经营方法。他已为台湾的贾提夫。
- That Acer has come this far is something of a testament to the drive and unconventional approach of the43 - year - old Mr.Shih, who has become the Steve Jobs of Taiwan. 宏?能有今天的成就,应该可以证明43岁的施先生努力不懈和创新的经营方法。他已为台湾的贾提夫。
- That Acer has come this far is something of a testament to the drive and unconventional approach of the 43-year-old Mr.Shih, who has become the Steve Jobs of Taiwan. 宏碁能有今天的成就,应该可以证明43岁的施先生努力不懈和创新的经营方法。他已为台湾的贾提夫。
- The hearing before the judge even lawyers ask representatives from both sides: "before you are not talking about court settlement Mody, how come this far is it? 此次开庭前,法官甚至还问双方代表律师:“之前你们不是在谈庭外和解么,怎么还是走到这一步了?”
- Fear that you come this far. 恐惧你已经到了这一步,
- "I have a lot to thank the lads for and they have been top class for me - I have settled in so quickly it's frightening.I want to do well for them.We didn't come this far to be second best. “我有许多的谢谢给我的朋友;他们对于我来说是顶级的-在这如此快速情况下我已经平静了;它是令人恐惧的.;我想要为他们做得更好
- I won't be able to come back from this far behind. 我落后那么多,绝对无法追上的。
- He must have come this way, here are his footprints. 他走的一定是这条路,这里有他的脚印。
- I won't is able to come back fronm this far behind. 我落后那么多,绝对无法追上的。
- Is he coming this weekend or next weekend? 他这个周末来还是下个周末来?