- Curse, like chicken, come home to roost. 诅咒像鸡雏,必回栖息木。
- Her selfishness will come home to roost someday. 她的自私总有一天会得到报应。
- Chicken's always come home to roost. 常回家看看?有麝自然香?
- Cures, like chickens, come home to roost. 诅咒人者反咒自。
- His unkindness to his daughter came home to roost. 他对女儿的刻薄得到了恶报。
- Curses always come home to roost. 害人终害己
- Their chickens come home to roost. 他们是自做自受。
- Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. 害人反害已。
- Curse,like chicken,come home to roost. 诅咒像鸡雏,必回栖息木。
- Curse, like chicken, comes home to roost. 诅咒像鸡雏,必回栖息木。
- Curses came home to roost, Mammy said. 如嬷嬷说的,诅咒别人的人必定自作自受。
- Curse, like chicken, comes home to roost . 诅咒像鸡雏,必回栖息木。
- Curse came home to roost, Mammy said. 嬷嬷曾说过,凡是诅咒都要回到诅咒的人自己身上来。
- Now the chickens were coming home to roost. 这不,报应就在眼前。
- He came home to roost for the winter. 他得到冬天的恶报。
- Domesticated bots come home to roost, and to be breed by humans. 家庭机器人回到家里栖息,人类培育它们。
- Now the karma that was incurred upon the land has come home to roost. 现在这块土地上所招致的业力正在出现恶果。
- You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition; sooner of later you misdeeds will come home to roost. 你不该把那辆不安全的汽车卖掉,你的不端行为迟早会得到报应。
- Their lack of financial planning is now coming home to roost. 他们缺乏财政计画,现在得到报应了。
- The consequences of her misdeeds eventually came home to roost. 她的不良行为所产生的后果最终回报到她自己身上了