- Are you sitting in a comfortable position? 你坐的姿势舒服吗?
- Sit in a good chair in a comfortable position. 坐在一个好主持,在一个舒适的位置。
- Makhan only moved to a more comfortable position. 马克汉只是稍微动了动,换了个更舒适的姿势。
- Make sure that you are working in a comfortable position. 工作时一定要保持舒适的姿势。
- She shifted into a more comfortable position on the chair. 她换了一个更舒适的姿势坐在椅子上。
- Place yourself and your poppet into a comfortable position. 在施咒期间,请务必确定不会有任何于扰。
- Adjust your trim strap to find a comfortable position. 调整你的脚套并找到一个舒服的位置。
- Put on the headphones and place the numeric keypad in a comfortable position. 戴上耳机并将数字键盘放置于适当的位置。
- Once their boots and skis are on, skiers find squatting a comfortable position. 穿上滑草鞋、滑草板后,这样蹲是最舒服的姿势。
- At least tonight Spotty is resting in a more comfortable position than the night before. 至少,小花今晚休息的姿势比较秀气一点。
- I tiptoed to the bed and tried to flip her over so that she would be in a more comfortable position. 我轻轻地走过去,想翻动一下她的身躯,让她睡得更舒服。
- Its ergonomically designed actuator enables intuitive handling, providing a comfortable position for the finger. 其符合人体工程学设计的驱动器可以直观的处理,提供了一个舒适的位置手指。
- To prevent the condition worsening, wounds should be covered, injured areas immobilized and the casualty placed in a correct and comfortable position. 为了防止情况的恶化,伤口应该包扎起来,受伤的地方应该固定起来,受伤的人应该放置在一个正确而舒适的地方。
- It feels great to glide through the world with your head in a normal, comfortable position, at a comfortable height (no craning to see traffic). 带着平常心,以一种很舒适的方式和很舒服的高度(不用调整头部去看交通情况),四处游走。
- Lay down in a comfortable position in your bed, and use your “strength mantra” or some other calming, soothing mantra to help you sleep. 用一种非常舒服的姿势躺在床上,用你的“力量之魔咒”或其他一些能使你平静、宽慰的魔咒来帮助你入睡。
- Sitting or lying on a warm ondol-heated floor is the most comfortable position to be in Korean house. So, the first step of coming home is taking off your shoes. 在有暖炕的家里,可以暖和的坐在地板上或躺着最舒服的姿势。所以,那第一阶段就是韩国人回家的时候要脱鞋。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Sitting or lying on a warm ondol-heated floor is the most comfortable position to be in Korean house. So , the first step of coming home is taking off your shoes. 在有暖炕的家里,可以暖和的坐在地板上或躺着最舒服的姿势。所以,那第一阶段就是韩国人回家的时候要脱鞋。
- It would have been nice to have been in a more comfortable position for today's game but our disappointing result at home in the first leg means we do not have that luxury. 有在一个比较舒服的位置中对于今天的游戏会是美好的但是在家的我们的令人失望结果在那第一腿意谓我们没有那奢侈。
- People think these are comfortable positions, but actually, not only do they look unpleasant, they end up with deformities of the spine and buttocks. 其实,莫说这样的姿态丑陋而没精神,久了,脊柱都还会变形。