- command string interpreter 命令串解释程序
- In VAX/VMS, breaking a command string into its elements to interpret it. 在DEC操作系统VAX/VMS中,将一个命令串分成有关的几部分来解释它。
- Specifies how a command string is interpreted. 指定如何解释命令字符串。
- Specifies that the module or command string returns a parameter. 指定模块或命令字符串返回一个参数。
- With safe mode enabled, the command string is escaped with escapeshellcmd(). 在打开了安全模式时,命令字符串会被escapeshellcmd()转义。
- If you wish to specify a set of options for the server, use the STARTLINE keyword together with a command string. 如果希望为服务器指定一组选项,请在命令字符串中使用STARTLINE关键字。
- The matching parameter in the module or command string must also have been created by using the keyword OUTPUT. 该模块或命令字符串中的匹配参数也必须已使用关键字OUTPUT创建。
- The entire command string, including the command and any parameters or qualifiers it may have. 由命令本身以及命令可能含有的参数及限定词所组成的整个命令串。
- Handle to a callback window if the "notify" flag was specified in the command string. 估计是可以有异步同步命令参数可以传送,然后可以回调。
- For multiple SQL statements in a command string, the escape sequence needs to be at the end of each relevant SQL statement. 对于一个命令字符串中的多条SQL语句,转义序列需要位于每条相关SQL语句的结尾。
- The following example passes a command string to a remote server by using a question mark (?) Placeholder for a parameter. 以下示例使用问号(?)占位符作为参数向远程服务器传递命令字符串。
- The xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure executes a command string as an operating-system command shell and returns any output as rows of text. xp_cmdshell扩展存储过程将命令字符串作为操作系统命令shell执行,并以文本行的形式返回所有输出。
- An element of a command or command string that enables the user to select from among several alternatives associated with the command. 命令或命令串的一个单元,使用户能从与命令有关的许多候选项中选出一项。
- Each strongly typed command object also supports a CommandType enumeration that specifies how a command string is interpreted, as described in the following table. 每个强类型命令对象还支持指定如何解释命令字符串的CommandType枚举,如下表所述。
- The Text value indicates that the text is a SQL query or command string while the StoredProcedure value indicates that the text is the name of a stored procedure. Text值指示此文本为SQL查询或命令字符串,而StoredProcedure值则指示此文本为存储过程的名称。
- Two samples, the first a simple one showing how to use WM_COPYDATA to send the command string received by an application to a previously running instance of that application. 这个项目包含了两个例子,第一个简单地演示了如何使用WM_COPYDATA来发送一个应用程序收到的命令字符串到这个应用程序以前运行的实例中。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- Executes a command string or character string within a Transact-SQL batch, or one of the following modules: system stored procedure, user-defined stored procedure, scalar-valued user-defined function, or extended stored procedure. 执行Transact-SQL批中的命令字符串、字符串或执行下列模块之一:系统存储过程、用户定义存储过程、标量值用户定义函数或扩展存储过程。
- PrevInst - Two samples, the first a simple one showing how to use WM_COPYDATA to send the command string received by an application to a previously running instance of that application. 这个项目包含了两个例子,第一个简单地演示了如何使用WM_COPYDATA来发送一个应用程序收到的命令字符串到这个应用程序以前运行的实例中。
- in VAX/VMS,breaking a command string into its elements to interpret it 在VAX/VMS操作系统中,将一个命令串分成有关的几部分来解释它