- Commercial Fishing Depletes Several Species in Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. 商业性捕鱼将夏威夷的西北岛屿的一些种群扫荡一空。
- Overfishing, which depletes populations of commercial fish species. 捕捞过度,耗尽商业鱼品种的群集。
- Even marine parks can only provide limited protection as commercial fishing is allowed within them. 此外,由于海岸公园依然容许商业捕鱼活动,故此其保护成效有限。
- Introduction of Fishing Licensing Scheme for all vessels involved in commercial fishing. 为所有商业捕鱼船引入渔牌制度。
- Commercial fishing began before 1800 and continues today, although in a considerable state of reducing. 商业捕鱼开始于1800年之前并延续至今,虽然处于一种相当大的数量减少状态之中。
- For one thing, law should be forced and observed to keep the balance of the nature by controlling commercial fishing. 首先,法律应该对商业捕鱼加强监督和管制,以保持自然平衡。
- To this end, I enlisted the help of the crews of the commercial fishing boats that ply the seas around Monterey Bay. 为达目的,我加入了定期往返加州蒙特雷湾海域的商业渔船充当船员助手。
- One of the North Sea's top predators, the great skua, has greatly benefited from the leftovers of commercial fishing. 北海的掠食者大贼鸥在过去一直从渔业捕捞的剩余物中获得好处。
- The Aral Sea supported a thriving commercial fishing industry employing roughly 60,000 people in the early 1960s. 咸海扶持了兴旺的商业捕鱼业。1960 年代大概有 6 万人从事这一行业。
- The sixty-foot steel-hulled trawler was what all commercial fishing boats ought to look like but seldom did. 所有商业渔船都该是像那六十英尺钢板拖捞船的样子但是很少能做到。
- Russia temporarily stopped exporting black caviar and halted commercial fishing of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea recently in an effort to save the fish from extinction. 为了保护鲟鱼使之免于灭绝,俄罗斯最近暂时停止了黑鱼子酱的出口,并停止在里海的商业性捕鱼行动。
- After 10 years of so-called protection, its time to say this experiment has failed and that commercial fishing should be banned in the marine parks. 经过10年的所谓保护,当局是时候承认实验失败,并应禁止在海岸公园进行商业捕鱼活动。
- A commercial fishing boat lies on a residential street in St.Bernard Parish east of New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2, 2005. 一艘商用渔船搁浅在纽奥良东方,圣伯纳派瑞许住宅区的街道上。
- These fossils were found during commercial fishing expeditions, and can now be found in private museums and collections. 鱼化石只有在商业性的猎鱼探险中和个人博物馆和收藏才会被发现。
- After the War, Hanks went into the commercial fishing industry, where as head of Hanks Seafood Company, he pioneered new methods of seafood production. 战争结束后,汉克斯进入渔业行业,成立了汉克斯海鲜食品公司,开创了新的海鲜食品制造方法。
- The picture unveils a drastic change of ocean ecology during the past century due to the expanding scale of world commercial fishing. 该图显示出20世纪以来由于全球商业捕鱼业的大规模扩张而导致海洋生态系统的巨大变化。
- Salmon that manage to evade the commercial fishing fleets, hungry bears, dams, and fishermen swim to their birthplaces and spawn before dying. 为了回到它的出生地产卵,大马哈鱼必须从渔船、饿的熊、坝以及渔网的重重围捕下逃生。
- He is designating large tracts of the Pacific as national monuments - meaning they are protected from commercial fishing, mining and other uses. 他把太平洋大片海域规定为国家自然保护区,在这些海域禁止商业捕鱼、采矿和其他商业活动。
- Bycatch is the entanglement of dolphins in the nets of fishing vessels targeting commercial fish species. 渔具纠缠是海豚被为捕捉经济鱼类所放置的鱼网缠住的现象。
- Every day, commercial fishing fleets dispatched primarily from just 11 nations venture onto the high seas to fish the deep ocean with seabed trawls. 每天,主要由11个国家派出的商业捕鱼船进入公海,用海底拖网进行深海捕捞。