- Commercial test of separating Baima vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite was perfor-manced. 对白马钒钛磁铁矿进行了选矿工业试验。
- The commercial test for enrichment indium in B# tower bottom led by electrolysis was proceeded. 为了有效富集B%23塔底铅中的铟,进行了底铅电解富集铟工业试验。
- The commercial test of lube oil hydrodewaxing catalyst RDW 1 and relative process in Xinjiang Kelamayi Petrochemical Plant are introduced. 介绍石油化工科学研究院开发的润滑油临氢降凝催化剂及工艺在克拉玛依石油化工厂首次进行的工业应用试验。
- On the basis of the new process, the commercial test of the slime system merging into the underflow flotation system came off all right. 在此基础上将矿泥系统并入粗粒浮选的工业试验也取得成功。
- Through laboratory test and commercial test,the processing technology of ultrafine grinding of natural zeolite is investigated. 通过实验室型和工业型试验,研究了湿式搅拌磨细磨天然沸石的工艺技术。
- The paper describes a commercial test of pumping stowing material for roadway rib support in a large cross-section roadway in Jinggezhuang Mine,Kailuan. 总结了综采大断面巷道泵送高水速凝材料护巷技术在开滦荆各庄矿的工业性试验情况。
- The paper describes the commercial test on recovering thallium based on the process of extracting cadmium from dust collected by electro-static precipitator (ESP). 介绍了在电尘提镉工艺基础上回收铊的工业试验。
- The commercial test shows that this process can achieve a zinc leaching rate of 98.05% and an iron leaching rate of 29.22%, thus realizing selective leach of the zinc effectively. 工业试验表明;该工艺锌浸出率达98.;05%25;铁浸出率为29
- According to the results of commercial test, the article introduces reaction pattern of silicon and titanium minerals in the flotation concentrate and scar status of the process. 依据工业试验结果介绍了在该工艺条件下浮选精矿中硅钛矿物的反应规律及流程结疤状况。
- A commercial test of MPN passivator added into a FCCU indicated that the light oil yield increased by 2.5 percentages, and the hydrogen and coke on spent catalyst decreased by 35% and 9.42% respectively. 工业试验结果表明 ;在FCC装置中使用MPN使轻油收率提高 2 .;5个百分点;氢气产率下降 35%25;待生剂上的积炭量下降 9
- Under the condition of producing qualified nickel concentrate,the increase of nickel recovery is limited in a bench test and commercial test by strengthening pulp dispersion and desliming. 针对矽酸盐型镍矿石采用目前成熟的浮选方法回收其中的镍,在产出合格镍精矿的前提下,通过强化矿浆分散、脱泥的小型试验和工业试验,镍回收率提高有限。
- The research on the adding modifier to the oil in LuNing pipeline to increase the economical profits began in 1994,and then the commercial test on drugged oil transportation continued in July 1995. 为了提高管道输油效益,从1994年起,开始对鲁宁线原油进行添加改性剂的研究,并于1995年7月在鲁宁线做了加剂输送的工业性试验。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- In this paper,the characteristic, laboratory evaluation , commercial test and field application effect of the demetallization agent for delayed coking of super heavy crude oil were mainly discussed. 主要介绍了焦化脱金属剂的特点和试验室评价、工业试验及现场应用情况。
- Commercial tests of treating refinery alkaline waste water by biologic catalytic oxidation have been performed. 采用生物催化氧化预处理新工艺对炼油厂的碱性污水进行工业试验。
- The commercial test for producing lube oil from non-Daqing crudes and the technical revamping of existing production system for production of lube oil from non-Daqing crudes were introduced. 介绍了茂名石化公司用非大庆油工业试生产润滑油的基本情况,以及为适应用非大庆油生产润滑油所做的技术改造。
- Research tests are done to investigate the properties of materials commercial tests are done to verify the quality of materials. 研究试验是为了研究材料的性质;商品测试是为了验证材料的质量。
- Accurately analyzing the gas components especially ethylene, propylene and butylenes are most important inthe commercial testing. 工业试验中,准确标定气体,尤其是乙烯、丙烯、丁烯等的产率是十分重要的。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- The paper introduced the technical conditions and indexes of briquetting,solidification and dropping in tailings briquetting-heap leaching commercial tests. 介绍了某选矿厂浮选尾矿制粒堆浸工业试验中团矿制粒条件及固化方式的确定、喷淋浸出技术条件和技术指标。