- Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 男的在男的身上作出羞丑的事,就在自己身上得到他们的妄为该有的报应。
- commit indecent acts 做出下流的举动
- Under Thursday's deal, Mr. Katsav agreed to step down and plead guilty to charges of sexual harassment, indecent acts and harassment of a witness. 根据星期四的交易,卡察夫答应辞职并承认犯有性骚扰、猥亵和骚扰一名证人。
- She was found guilty Monday of one count of conspiracy to maltreat prisoners, four counts of maltreatment and one count of committing an indecent act. 英格兰是因阿布格里卜监狱虐囚案遭到指控的9名美国士兵当中最后受审的人。此前,2名同案犯已被定罪,另外6人与军方达成认罪求情协议。其中一些人在英格兰一案审理时到庭作证。
- The Prophet Muhammad enjoined zakah on those who fast to purify them from any indecent act or deeds. 先知穆罕默德(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)制定开斋捐是为了洗涤封斋者过度的行为和言语的过失;
- They tried to persuade her to commit perjury. 他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。
- One cannot commit crimes with impunity. 一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚。
- That short skirt of hers is positively indecent. 她那条短裙实在是不雅观。
- Why do people commit acts of terrorism? 为什么会有人进行恐怖主义活动?
- He left the party with indecent haste. 他很不礼貌地匆匆离开宴会。
- A: Why do people commit acts of terrorism? 为什么会有人进行恐怖主义活动?
- It is impossible not to commit mistake. 不犯错误是不可能的。
- Crime of indecent act towards women by force; crime of insulting women 强制猥亵侮辱妇女罪
- He refused to commit himself on the subject. 关於那个问题,他拒绝表明自己的态度。
- He won't commit himself on women's rights. 他不会对女权问题发表意见的。
- She acts as a private secretary to him. 她担任他的私人秘书。
- He commit three petrol station robbery in two day. 两天内,他三次暴力抢劫汽油加油站。
- One who acts as the trainer or second of a boxer. 拳击手的训练者或其比赛时的助手
- A crudely indecent word or phrase; an obscenity. 下流话粗俗下流的词或短语; 下流话
- He would not commit himself in any way. 他不愿做出任何承诺。